ЛОТ 1: Bible –Yirmiyahu, Yechezkel & Trei Asar. Paris, 1546 – Pocket Edition –Very Nice Copy. . Nevi’im Achronim. Paris: Robertus Stephanus, 1546. Each title page bears the Stephanus printer's device – a man standing by a tree with several falling branches and a banner that reads "Noli altum sapere" ...
ЛОТ 2: The First Sefer Composed after the Talmud: She'iltot DeRav Achai Gaon. Venice 1546. First Edition. Printed by Daniel Bomberg. . Very likely the first Sefer written after the Talmud. Compiled by R' Achai Gaon. One of the first Seforim of Halacha. Venice 1546. Daniel Bomberg press. Title page ...
ЛОТ 3: Kitzur Amudei Gola (Samak), Krakow 1579. Only Edition, Extremely Rare. . Sefer Kitzur Amudei Gola – Kitzur Samak by Rabbi Yitzchak of Korvil. Krakow, 1597. Printed by Yitzchak Prostitz. Only Edition. Title within architectural arch. Verse cited above the title evidently a fusion of Isaiah 50:2 ...
ЛОТ 4: Sefer Chassidim - Basel, 1580 . Sefer Chassidim, matters related to mussar and Yirat Shamayim (fear of Heaven). By Rabbi Yehuda HaChassid. Basel, Kislev [1580]. Printed by Ambrosio Frobinio. Second edition of the sefer, "copied from an ancient proofread book and refined time after time…". The ...
ЛОТ 5: Torat Ha'Adam. Venice, 1595 . Sefer Torat Ha'Adam. Laws pertaining to the sick, burial and mourning with the "Shar HaGmul" regarding the eternity of the soul, reward and punishment by Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman – Nachmanidies. Venice, 1595. E arly edition of the Ramban's noted work with the "Shar ...
ЛОТ 6: Levush HaButz V'HaArgaman. First Edition, Cracow 1599. Very Rare! . Sefer Levush HaButz V'HaArgaman. First Edition, Cracow 1599. At the press of Yitzchak son of Aaron Prostitz. This First Edition is Exceedingly Rare! Apparently a complete copy has never been offered at public auction. ...
ЛОТ 7: Sefer HaTishbi - Basel, 1601 . Sefer HaTishbi, book of roots from the Talmud and Midrashim of Chazal, by Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur. Basel, [1601]. Second edition. Colophon and printer’s device on the last leaf. [1] 2-98, [1], Leaves. 18.8 cm.
ЛОТ 8: Tikkun Bakashot Anshei Maamad, Mantua, 1621. Very Rare! . Tikkun Bakashot Anshei Maamad, supplications to be recited after Maamadot, by R. Efraim of Fano (brought to print by R. Moshe Yoffe). Mantua: Judah Samuel of Perugia and sons, 1621. Exceedingly Rare! See Simonsohn, Toldot HaYehudim ...
ЛОТ 9: Nachalat Yaakov, Responsa of the Shelah, the Levushim and Italian Torah Scholars, with the Approbation of the Shelah - Padua 1622-1623. Only Edition. . Sefer Nachalat Yaakov, collection of responsa pertaining to monetary matters and Issur VeHeter, compiled by Rabbi Yehoshua Yaakov Heilprin. ...
ЛОТ 10: Pnei Rabba - Amsterdam 1628 - One of the First Books Printed by Menasseh ben Israel - Signature of Rabbi Abraham Abulafia. . Sefer Pnei Rabba, index of verses in Midrash Rabba (Part I - Torah, Part II - Five Megillot), with a concise index of topics discussed in Midrash Rabba on the Five ...
ЛОТ 11: Drishah U’Prishah on Even Haezer. First Edition. Lublin, 1638. Rare Classic! - Signature & glosses of The Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Itzik Grishaber Ab''d Paks. . Sefer Tur-Even Haezer with Sefer Drishah U’Prishah by Harav Yehoshua Falk Katz, author of the Sm”a. Renowned to many by the name of his ...
ЛОТ 12: Tikkunei HaZohar, First Edition. Mantua, 1558. Full of Handwritten Kabbalistic Glosses in the Holy hand of the Kabbalist Rabbi Menachem de Lonzano. . Tikunei HaZohar, written by the Tana Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai. Mantua, 1558. First edition and first printing of the Zohar after rabbis removed ...
ЛОТ 13: Kaballah: HaNephesh HaChochmah, Basle 1608. First Very Rare Edition. . Vzot Hasefer HaNephesh HaChochmah [Kabbalistic Discourses On The Fate Awaiting The Soul After Death And The Mystical Significance Of The Precepts]. Also Includes Commentaries By Rabbi Moses De Leon And Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla ...
ЛОТ 14: Emek HaMelech. Kabbalistic Polemic. First Published Sefer of the Arizal’s Kabbalah Teachings. Amsterdam, 1648. First Edition. Important Rabbinic Signatures. Sefer Yesod. Rare! . Sefer Emek HaMelech is a fundamental Kabbalah Sefer, authored by Rabbi Naphtali Hertz Bachrach of Frankfurt. ...
ЛОТ 15: Nishmas Chaim, Menasseh Ben Israel, Amsterdam 1651, Fine Copy with Original Parchment Binding. . Sefer Nishmas Chaim. About the soul, the Jewish soul, life after death, reincarnation, and resurrection, by Rabbi Menashe ben Yisrael. Amsterdam, at the author's press. 1651. First edition. The ...
ЛОТ 16: Kabbala, Rare and sanctified! "Megaleh Amukos" by the Gaon Rabbi Natan Note Shapiro the Rav of Krakow. Second edition. Furth, 1691. . The holy Sefer 'Megaleh Amukos' authored by the Holy Gaon Rabbi Natan Note Shapiro the renowned Rav of Krakow. The Sefer was accepted lovingly all over the ...
ЛОТ 17: Sefer Karnayim with Dan Yadin Commentary by Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli- Copy of the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Nosson Adler with his notations. First Edition. Zolkova 1709. Very Rare! . Sefer Karnaim an ancient kabbalistic work with Dan Yadin commentary by Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropoli. Includes also ...
ЛОТ 18: Signature of Rabbi Shalom Mizrachi Sharabi – The Holy Rashash. . Sefer Shiva Enayim: the Ramban's innovations on Perek Zeh Borer and Tractate Makos, Sefer HaZchus on Hasagos HaRavad on the Rif (Tractate Yevamos, Ktubos, Gittin) and Shut Mahari Abohav, Mahari de Leon, Rabbeinu NissiM Benvinisti ...
ЛОТ 19: Collection of 9 Rare Kabbalistic Seforim, 1701-1909. Signatures & inscriptions. . . Please study pictures well & see Hebrew description for full details.
ЛОТ 21: Collection of Zohar Editions, 1719-1911. With Signatures & manuscripts. . . Please study pictures well & see Hebrew description for full details.
ЛОТ 22: Set Zohar – Korets, 1778- Printed by holy disciples of the Maggid of Mezeritch- Polonne 1794. Approbations of the Holy Rebbe Zushe of Anipoli. Extremely Rare! . The present edition of the Zohar was printed by a few of the greatest Chasidut figures: Rebbi Shlomo from Lutsk and Rebbi Shimon ...
ЛОТ 23: Segulah Sefer: Shaar HaYichudim Vtikun Avonot, First Edition, Koretz, 1783. Very Rare! . Sefer Shaar HaYichudim - Shaar Hayichudim and Tikkun Avonos are the third and fourth units in Pri Eitz Chaim which was written by the holy kabbalist Rabbi Meir Papirash based on manuscripts of Rabbi Chaim ...
ЛОТ 24: Tikunei haZohar, Poritsk, 1808. Very Rare. ספר "תיקוני הזהר", מהתנא האלקי רשב"י. פאריצק, תקס"ח. בדפוס רבי שלמה ב"ר חנינא. בשער: "קושטאנדינא", בהבלטה. עם ביאוריהם של רבי חיים ורבי שמואל וויטאל (ועוד), הנקראים כאן בשם "דרך אמת". בסוף: דברי המגיה חיים נחום ב"ר יהודה ליבוש מטאמשוב ו"המסדר ...
ЛОТ 25: Tikunei haZohar, Mogilev 1809. Extremely Rare! . Sefer Tikunei haZohar. Mogilev (Mahili︠o︡ŭ) 1809. At the press of David Rubinstein. Extremely Rare! Has never appeared at public auction. Signatures of Rabbi Moshe Sinai Kalir Shada''r (emissary) of the holy city Jerusalem. 80, [1], 81-126 ...
ЛОТ 26: Set Zohar – Kopust, 1809-1810. The Press of the Disciple of Baal Hatanya. Very Rare! Antique Marginallia. . The Holy book of the Zohar on the Torah by the divine Rabbi Shimon Ben Yochai. Kopust, 1809-1810. Four sections in three volumes. “As printed in Mantova… with the omission of articles ...
ЛОТ 27: תקוני הזוהר - קאפוסט, תק"ע. נדיר ביותר! . Tikkunei Hazohar - Kopust, 1810. Very Rare! Sefer Tikkunei Hazohar, the press of the partners Yehuda, Menachem and Yisroel, the sons of Uri Sheraga Feivish Yoffe, who were known as the Printer of Kopust, Kopust - 1810. Printed after the Zholkva 1773 ...
ЛОТ 28: Copy of the Holy Rebbe Yechiel Rubin of Kolbuszowa & Rebbe Mordechai David Teitelbaum of Szczucin & Tzfat. Set Mikdash Melech, Commentary on the Zohar, [Sudylkov], [1819-1821]. Very Rare! . Commentary on the Zohar by the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Buzaglo, from what he received from his ...
ЛОТ 29: קבלה נדיר ביותר! גן יה, פי' על ספר יצירה. דפו"י, ברעסלויא, תקצ"א. . Very Rare Kabbalah: Gan Yah, Comm. on Sefer Yetsirah. Only Edition, Breslau 1831. Sefer Gan Yah (Gods Garden), commentary on Sefer Yetsirah. By the famous Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim rabbi of Widze. Only Edition, Breslau, 1831. ...
ЛОТ 30: Ateret HaChaim (Rabbi Chaim Palachi), Salonika 1841. First Edition. Very Rare! . Sefer Ateret Chaim by Rabbi Chaim Palagi, Av Bet Din of Izmir. Saloniki, 1841. First and Only Very Rare Edition. Collection of various prayers and Viduy. For everyday use and special occasions. Compiled by Rabbi ...
ЛОТ 31: Siddur Ha'Ari Kol Ya'akov, Lemberg 1859- Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger who bought it with money from his wife Rebbetzin Liba. . Siddur Nusach HaAri Kol Ya'akov, by the Kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Kapil Lifshitz the disciple of the Ba'al Shem Tov. Part 1, for daily prayers. ...
ЛОТ 32: Siddur Lev Samech from Reb Chanoch Henoch of Olesk. First Edition - 2 Parts. Lemberg 1862 - VERY RARE!! . . Please see Hebrew description for full details.
ЛОТ 33: Rare Siddur Lev Same'ach by the Holy Rav of Olesk Two Sections - Second Edition in the Author's Lifetime with additions - Lemberg, 1883. . Siddur Lev Same'ach - one of the earliest Chassidiב Siddurim, authored by the Admor Rabbi Chanoch Henich Av Beit Din of Olesk, the son-in-law Maran the Sar ...
ЛОТ 34: Pedigreed Copy. The Personal Siddur Beis Yaakov of the Holy Rebbi Alter of Lelov "Der Eretz Yisroel Rebbi", Zhitomir, 1881 . The Personal Siddur Beis Yaakov of the Holy Rebbi Alter of Lelov, Rebbi Avraham Bezalel Natan Nota "Der Eretz Yisroel Rebbi". Zhitomir, 1881. Siddur Beis Yaakov ...
ЛОТ 35: (Kabbalah) Extremely Rare! Hagahot on Sefer Pri Etz Chaim by the Rebbes of Zidichov. First Edition, Munkatch Cir. 1891- Letter by his cousin Rabbi David Elimelech Weiss Ab''d Sekernice. . Sefer Hagahot on the Kabbalah Sefer Pri Etz Chaim & on the Siddur of Rebbe Shabse of Raskov. Found on ...
ЛОТ 36: Tefillah LeMoshe Siddur (Remak), Premishla 1892. First Edition – "Whoever Takes This Holy Siddur Will be Blessed with Sons, Life and Abundant Sustenance, and it Will Serve as a Protection for His Home" . Seder Tefilah according to the Sephard custom, with the Tefilah L'Moshe commentary by Rabbi ...
ЛОТ 37: Kabbalistic Manuscript: Kavanot of Sefirat Haomer. 1895. . Kavanot of the nightly Sefirat Haomer, Kanaot of the Bracha. 70 written sides. 13.4 Cm.
ЛОТ 38: Tehillim - Diglei Hodayah. Pietrkov, 1899. Segulah Sefer for Offspring, Health and Livelihood. Copy of Rebbe Yitzchak Yechiel Panet of Deyzh. . They shall be blessed with the threefold blessing - scholarly children, long life, and plentiful livelihood" (approbation from the sacred maggid of ...
ЛОТ 39: Tiferes HaChanochi. Radzin. First Edition. Warsaw 1900. Regal Copy! Rare. . Commentary to the Zohar HaKadosh, by the Holy Rebbe Gershon Chanoch Henoch Leiner, the Ba’al Ha’Tcheiles of Radzin. Published by his son Rebbe Mordechai Yosef Eliezer Leiner of Radzin. Rebbe Gershon Chanoch Henoch ...
ЛОТ 40: Siddur Chemdat Yisrael – Munkacs, 1901 – Segulah – Protection, Blessing, and Success. First Edition. . Siddur Chemdat Yisrael - Kavvanot HaAriza"l - siddur arranged by Rabbi Shmuel Vital, son of Rabbi Chaim Vital. This siddur was printed here for the first time from a manuscript that was in the ...
ЛОТ 41: Copy of the Holy Rebbe Chaim Zanvil Abramowitz- The Rebbe of Ribnitz. Sharei Zion with Tikkun Chatzot. . Sefer Sharei Zion, with Seder Tikkun Chatzot of the famous Holy Rebbe Chaim Zanvil Abramowitz of Ribnitza. The Rebbe was famous for his tremendous Avodah he put in daily reciting Tikkun ...
ЛОТ 42: Collection of antique Tanachs, 1595-1666. . 1. Miniature: Sefer Tehillim (Psalms): Leiden, 1595. "Sefer Tehillim" was printed by Franciscus Raphelengius here in the illustrious city of Leiden in the state Holland." Good printing in crisp and clear letters, every fifth verse is accented in ...
ЛОТ 43: Special Collection! 10 Antique Seforim printed in Amsterdam, 1652-1709. . . Please study pictures well & see Hebrew catalog for full details.Various sizes & conditions.
ЛОТ 44: Mishnayot with the Etz Chaim Commentary by the Mahari Chagiz - Livorno, 1653-1656 - Six Volume Set in original wood & leather binding. . Mishnayot, with Rashi commentary and Etz Chaim commentary by Rabbi Yisrael Ya'akov Chagiz. Livorno, 1653-1656. Complete set of six volumes. First edition ...
ЛОТ 45: Collection of 11 Rare Antique Seforim with signatures & inscriptions. 1674-1849. Mostly First or Only Editions. . . Please study pictures well & see Hebrew description for full details.
ЛОТ 46: Large Collection of 13 Antique Seforim, 1658-1933. Signatures & inscriptions. . . Please study pictures well & see Hebrew description for full details.
ЛОТ 47: The first Tanach in Yiddish. Polemic. Tanach Bilshon Ashkenaz-Blitz, first edition, Six title pages, with illustrated title page and Haftarah-table leaf! Amsterdam, 1676/79. . Bible translated to Yiddish by Jekuthiel ben Isaac Blitz. Amsterdam, 1676-1679. Printed by Uri Feivish HaLevi. ...
ЛОТ 48: Large collection of 18 Antique Rare Seforim, 1681-1822. Important Rabbinic signatures! Mostly First or Only Editions. . . Please study pictures well & see Hebrew description for full details.
ЛОТ 49: Large collection of 16 Antique Seforim, German & Dutch imprints, 1682-1854. Mostly First or Only Editions. . . Please study pictures well & see Hebrew description for full details.
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