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ЛОТ 1:
Map of the Galilee - Unidentified ancient engraving. Framed 34x36 cm. without the frame Good condition, wrinkles, was not checked out of the frame.
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ЛОТ 2:
12 Tribes of Israel around the Tabernacle in the Desert - Augustine Kalmet - Hand-painted engraving 1727. Beschryving van de legeringen Israels rondom den Tabernakel, opgerecht in de woestyn woestyn Framed with a certificate of originality on the back. 31x45 cm
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ЛОТ 3:
Ancient map - Asia, around 1730. Asia cum Omnibus Imperiis Provinciis, Statibus et Insulis Map of Asia created by Seutter Matthäus, which includes the Middle East and the Land of Israel within it. An original copper engraving, created around 1730 in Augsburg, Germany. Hand painted. 57X50 cm. ...
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ЛОТ 4:
Ancient map - Twelve Tribes of Israel. Palaestina in XII. Tribus divisa - Johann Christoph Harenberg Map of Israel and its division into tribes, Nuremberg, Germany, circa 1750. Johann Christoph Harenberg. 52X48 cm. Hand painted. Good condition, glued to the board, rust stains.
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$1 400
ЛОТ 5:
כ"ט בנובמבר, ההצבעה באו"ם על חלוקת א"י - 4 עיתונים. * גליון של Paleatine Post מ-30 בנובמבר 1947, המדווח על ההצבעה בעצרת האו"ם על הצעת החלוקה. 4 עמ', קוי קיפול, הצהבה. * ידיעות חדשות - עיתון ארצישראלי בגרמנית של העולים מגרמניה - גליון מ-30 בנובמבר על ההצבעה. 4 עמ', קו קיפול, הצהבה. * ידיעות ...
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ЛОТ 6:
גליון עיתון "דבר" - הכרזת המדינה - 10.5 - במוצ"ש תקום מדינת ישראל. דבר - מיום 10 במאי 1948, 5 ימים לפני ההכרזה - "במוצאי שבת תקום מדינת ישראל". 4 עמ', מצב בינוני, קוי קיפול, הצהבה, חתיכה גזורה בעמוד האחרון. 59x43 ס"מ.
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ЛОТ 7:
מוסף "ידיעות מעריב" להכרזת המדינה - פני המנדט מהתחלתו עד סיומו. ידיעות מעריב - מוסף מצויר ל-15במאי 1948 - פני המנדט מהתחלתו עד סיומו. 4 עמודים מלאי צילומים. מצב טוב מאוד/מצוין, קוי קיפול, הצהבה. 47x32 ס"מ.
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ЛОТ 8:
Yom Hamedina Newspaper Issue- the Founding of the State of Israel - May 14, 1948. Yom Hamedina" newspaper issue, May 14, 1948 - the founding of the state of Israel. With the image of Herzl on the front page. Dimensions: 57x42 cm. Poor condition, taped on back, stains, folding marks, tears to the ...
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ЛОТ 9:
גליון עיתון "דבר" - הכרזת המדינה - 16.5.48. דבר - מיום א' 16.5.48 - "הוקמה מדינת ישראל". 4 עמ', מצב טוב מאוד, קו קיפול, הצהבה קלה וכתמים קלים. 59x43 ס"מ.
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ЛОТ 10:
גליון עיתון "ידיעות חדשות" בגרמנית - הכרזת המדינה - 16.5.48. ידיעות חדשות - עיתון ארצישראלי בגרמנית של הקהילה הייקית - גליון מיום א' 16.5.48 - מדינת ישראל הוכרזה. 2 הדפים האחרונים בעברית, כולל שער מיוחד בעברית. 8 עמ'. מצב מצוין, קוי קיפול. 46x32 ס"מ.
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ЛОТ 11:
Israel declaration of Independence. Provisional Government Official Newspaper #1 dated 14.5.1948. Official newspaper #1 of Israel's provisional government. 4 pages, 33x21 cm. very good/excellent condition, folding marks, light stains.
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ЛОТ 12:
גליון עיתון "ידיעות מעריב" מיום הכרזת המדינה. * ידיעות מעריב - גליון מיום ההכרזה - "המנדט מת! תחי מדינתנו!" 4 עמ' מתוך 8 שהכיל הגליון. מצב טוב מאוד, קו קיפול, הצהבה וכתמים קלים. 43x29 ס"מ.
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ЛОТ 13:
גליון עיתון "יום יום" מיום הכרזת המדינה. יום יום - גליון מיום ההכרזה - 14.5.48 - "מדינת ישראל בארץ ישראל". 4 עמ', מצב טוב מאוד, קו קיפול, הצהבה, כתמים קלים. 43x29 ס"מ.
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ЛОТ 14:
Altalena affair, Givati Brigade - Proclamation against the Irgun 22.6.48. "The young state of Israel was forced to defend itself against enemies from within"" Poignant proclamation from the day that Altalena drawn. Published by the Givati Brigade Headquarters, Southern Front. Fair condition ...
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ЛОТ 15:
Givati Brigade - Collection of Paper Items - Israel War of Independence. 16 items all photographed, for detailed information please switch the language to Hebrew.
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ЛОТ 16:
Israel War of Independence - Givati Brigade - 4 pamphlets of the battalion bulletin. Rare photos of Shu'alei Shimshon. 1: In the 54th Battalion No. 2, dated April 23, 1948. Includes 6 printed stencil pages on one side. 33x21 cm Fair / good condition. 2: In the 54th Regiment No. 8 from 7.5.48. ...
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ЛОТ 17:
מלחמת השחרור - שנה טובה - גבעתי מחלקת המודיעין. "תהיה שנת טהור". שנה טובה נדירה בעיצוב יחודי, הדפסת סטנסיל. 2 דפים מקופלים, 21x12 ס"מ. כאשר פתוח. מצב טוב מאוד.
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ЛОТ 18:
"SDERATH HA-SHIHRUR" Metal Enamel Porcelain Street Sign. An old street sign, probably late 40s or early 50s. Excellent condition, rusty corners. 20x40 cm.
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ЛОТ 19:
David Ben-Gurion's Autograph on a Parchment Letter of Condolences. Dated: May 14, 1948, Israel declaration of independence day. Parchment letter of condolences with David Ben-Gurion's autograph, announcement of the death of Shalom Dubensky, who fell in Gush Etzion, on the same day the state of ...
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ЛОТ 20:
David Ben-Gurion - a rare portraits folder. - A.C. BORENSTEIN. DAVID BEN GURION - BY A.C. BORENSTEIN A rare folder that includes 8 large prints, an original drawing on the cover, and a small print pasted on the last page. We could not find any information about the artist. Dimensions: folder ...
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ЛОТ 21:
Signatures of David Ben-Gurion, Ariel Sharon, Yeshayahu Gavish, Teddy Kollek, Shuli Natan, and others. A memoir book of the girl Rachel Edri, on the cover a pin of the Knesset The book includes the signature of: David Ben-Gurion with a lapel pin of Sde Boker, the signature of Ariel Sharon, the ...
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ЛОТ 22:
Eliezer Ben Yehuda - draft pages in his handwriting and signature, on official paper of HaZvi. Eliezer Ben Yehuda - draft pages in his handwriting and signature, on HaZvi official papers. Four half-pages. The back of the first page is signed three times "Eliezer" 4 pages, average size: 29x11 ...
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ЛОТ 23:
Poster - US dollar with a picture of Herzl. Poster of a United States dollar bearing the words "United States of Israel, including the liberated (occupied) territories". In the center is a portrait of Herzl. It was probably printed in the period after the Six Day War. 63X25 cm. Framed. Good ...
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ЛОТ 24:
Theodor Binyamin Ze'ev Herzl, - Rare Bronze Plate - Franz Kounitzky - 1905. Bronze plaque with a portrait of Herzl. Vienna, circa 1905. Monogram signature: - FK - Franz Kounitzky 5x6 cm, fair condition, corrosion
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ЛОТ 26:
Avraham Stern (Yair), Zeev Jabotinsky, Meshulam Levontin, Chaim Arlozorov, David Raziel. Unknown photo. Postcard - real photo - Unknown photo of a ceremony (probably in Tel Aviv). Among those photographed are Avraham Stern (Yair), Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Meshulam Levontin, Chaim Arlozorov, and David ...
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ЛОТ 27:
9 photographs, Eastern European Zionist youth movements. Late 20s early 30s. A collection of photographs of a Zionist youth movement, probably Betar. Probably Eastern Europe, in our opinion the photographs from the late 1920s or early 1930s. 4 postcard-sized photographs. 3 photos 9x12 cm. 1 ...
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ЛОТ 28:
Poalei Zion - Branch 6. New York, USA. Large photo - 1910-20. A rare photograph of Poalei Zion in the United States. We did not identify those photographed. 40x50 cm. Very good condition.
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ЛОТ 29:
On the Nation's land / Jewish National Fund, Keren Hayesod. 1925. Many photos. . Additional titles, on the cover: On the Land of Israel. An uncommon booklet published by the JNF and Keren Hayesod. The photographer, and the artist who made the woodcut are unknown. The booklet appears in the ...
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ЛОТ 30:
4 Old photos - Eretz Israel Winery and more. 2 large photographs of a winery - in one the winery staff is photographed on a scaffold inside the building and in the other - the winery staff and management around a barrel of wine with bottles on it. 16X11 cm, 23X16 cm. 2 more photos of the ...
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ЛОТ 31:
Beginning of Netanya - rare paper items, 1930s. 1: 15 photographs of Netanya in 1933 - houses, agriculture and more. 6 of them 17X12 cm, 9 of them 11X6 cm. 2: 6 publications about Netanya, in German, 1930s. Includes a photographed panorama of the village at the beginning. Some of the ...
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ЛОТ 32:
תל אביב - חמש (5) גלויות לא שכיחות. 1: הנמל, עונת תפוחי הזהב. הוצאת האחים אליהו. מצב מצוין. 2: בית הכנסת הגדול. תוצרת צ'כוסלובקיה, ללא מוציא לאור. מצב מצוין. 3: נמל תל אביב. הוצאת פלפוט. מצב מצוין. 4: רחוב לילנבלום. הוצאת קרוגליאקוב. מצב מצוין, כיתוב בגרמנית על הגב. 5: גמלים ברחוב הירקון. ...
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ЛОТ 33:
10 postcards - cities and events, Tel Aviv and Eretz Israel, published by Moshe Ardman, 1920s. Among the postcards: Happy New Year Rishon Lezion, 4 postcards of streets and sites in Tel Aviv, 3 postcards of Balfour's visit. Postcard of Rehovot, and postcard of Ness Ziona. Excellent condition ...
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ЛОТ 34:
The Climate of Yaffo-Tel Aviv-Sarona, 1922 - Meteorological observations at Tel Aviv: 1923-1924. 1: The climate of Yaffo-Tel Aviv-Sarona, by Dr. A. Baruch Rosenstein. Published by the Tel Aviv Municipality, 1922. A booklet about the climate of Tel Aviv and its surroundings, based on the ...
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ЛОТ 35:
Archive of a Jewish German model-builder, who built models for exhibitions, architects and more. Archive of Willi Salomon, a native of Cologne, Germany, who immigrated to Palestine in 1935 following the rise of the Nazis. Salomon also worked in Germany as a designer of shop windows, shops and ...
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ЛОТ 36:
Esther & Otto Hoffa 2 photo albums - Palestine 1937 - Jerusalem, Bezalel, coronation of George VI, Haifa, kibbutzim ... 2 albums with about 300 small photos (6X6 cm) with views of the Palestine, during a visit by Esther and Otto Hoffa to Palestine. Haifa, Tiberius, Kfar Giladi, Netanya ...
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ЛОТ 37:
A decade to Israel - a set of 4 rare cloth kitchen napkins. Excellent condition, minor wear. 43x43 cm
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ЛОТ 38:
Dosh - Srulik - 5 large table napkins. 5 napkins from Tarshish restaurant in Old Jaffa. On each napkin is a cartoon by Dosh, 3 cartoons of Srulik, and 2 political. Probably 1967. Dimensions 37x27 cm. Minor wear, stains, and small tears.
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ЛОТ 39:
6 Day War - Photo album. A photo album from the southern front during the Six Day War. 116 photos around 10X7 cm, depicting the lives of soldiers, weapons and military equipment, various places in the Gaza Strip, the local population, and more. Includes an invitation to the brigade parade at ...
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ЛОТ 40:
Early share certificate of a Zionist movement New York, 1912. A share certificate shaped like a check, by a Zionist organization called Judea Industrial Corporation - co-founder of Labor and Trade in the Land of Palestine. The date on the certificate is not clear, but it is probably from 1912 ...
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ЛОТ 41:
Large illustrated Receipt - The Jewish People's Relief of America - Jewish War Sufferers. USA c.1915. A large receipt that looks like a stock certificate, and indicates a contribution to the Maintenance Board for the Jewish War Sufferers in Europe. The foundation was established by The Jewish ...
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ЛОТ 42:
Max Brod - Certificate of membership in Keren Hayesod. 1921. Certificate of membership in Keren Hayesod from Prague 23.5.1921, two months after the registration of the fund in London! Numbered 149. In the background - a Star of David with a map of Israel in it. 30X22 cm, very good condition ...
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ЛОТ 43:
Max Brod - Palestine Land Development Certificate 1913. Palestine Land Development Certificate - Max and Otto Broad, 1913 Good condition, small missing pieces on bottom, tears, folding marks, stains. 30X22 cm.
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ЛОТ 44:
Max Broad – Photos of his plays and film from Germany + 4 of his photos . 1. 2 Photographs of theatrical productions of plays by Brod, Königsberg, Germany, the Neues Schauspielhaus Theater. One photograph from the play "Queen Esther" from 1918, 16x27 cm. And the other from the play "Lord ...
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ЛОТ 45:
3 photographs by the important German photographer Hogo Erfurth. 3 large photographs by Hogo Erfurth from Dresden. 2 photographs of theatrical plays, most likely performances of plays by Max Broad. The third - a matte print of a portrait of the young Max Brod, pasted on rice paper. The 3 ...
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$2 400
ЛОТ 46:
Professor Albert Einstein - An amusing letter to Dr. Max Broad. . A funny letter that shows Einstein from a very witty, but also a bit aggressive side. Sent from Princeton to hotel Urban Zurich. 4/20/49 Dear Mr. Broad, Your two letters arrived on time, but not the attached books. Your ...
Стартовая цена:
2 000
ЛОТ 47:
Gustav Mahler - signed photograph with handwritten dedication, Vienna 1907. A large photograph of the Jewish Austrian composer Gustav Mahler, with his dedication and an original signature at the bottom The photo was taken by the important Viennese photographer Moriz Nahr, and is signed with the ...
Стартовая цена:
5 000
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ЛОТ 48:
Max Broad - Handwritten pages related to his work with the composer Leoš Janáček. A collection of pages, most of them in Brod's handwriting, related to his work with the Czech composer Leos Janacek. Some of them related to Brod's biography of Janáček, the first ever written about the ...
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ЛОТ 49:
Max Brod - Diesseits und Jenseits.1947 – copy no.1 signed and dedicated to Esther Hoffe . A dedication by Brod to Hoffe in form of a poem. Broad thanks Hoffe for helping him so much. This book is not bibliophilic, however Brod notes that this is copy number 1 to please Hoffe. Two volumes. 23 ...
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ЛОТ 50:
פרנץ קפקא - "אישים יהודים שתרמו לתרבות האנושית". מדליה רשמית זהב 14K משקל 17 גרם, קוטר 30.5 מ"מ, עיצוב מרק סלמן. מצב חדש. נתון במארז המקורי ללא תעודת אחריות.
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