ЛОТ 129: Post Incunabula! The First Rambam that was Printed with Hasagot HaRavad and the Maggid Mishneh - Kushta, 1509. The Rambam's Mishneh Torah / Hayad Hachazakah Sefer Nashim. Third edition (post-incunabula era) and the first introducing three of the basic works on the Rambam: Hasagot HaRavad, which ...
ЛОТ 130: Sefer HaAruch - Early Edition of the Bomberg Press - Venice, 1531. Sefer HaAruch, elucidation of difficult Talmudic words, alphabetically ordered, the monumental work of Rabbi Nathan ben Yechiel of Rome (lived and operated in the 11th century) edited by Rabbi Eliyahu ben Sar Halevi Ashkenazi. ...
ЛОТ 131: Sefer Yechezkel Printed by Roberto Stephanus - Early and Rare Edition Paris, 1541. Sefer Yechezkel of the elegant bible printed by Roberto Stephanus who was known as the King's Printer, on the twenty seventh year of the rule of King Francesco - Paris, 1541. 139 pp. In the National Library, the ...
ЛОТ 132: Rare! The Printeries Polemic: Sefer Hamitzvot LeHaRambam with Hasagot HaRamban - Venice, 1550 Incomplete Copy Ancient Glosses. "Sefer Hamitzvot authored by Rabbeinu Moshe Ben Maimon and Hasagot Rabbeinu Moshe Ben Nachman, objecting to the Rambam's list of Mitzvot". Baragadin Press - Venice ...
ЛОТ 133: Fine Copy with many Foreign Glosses! Nevi'im: Hoshe'a Yoel Amos Ovadya and Yonah with Commentaries - Separate, Rare Edition Paris or Geneva, 1556. On the title page: "הושע עם תרגום ופירוש רש"י ואבן עזרא ור' דוד קמחי... וקצת נימוקים על התרגום..." This notation appears also in Latin. Special ...
ЛОТ 134: Triple Languages - Hebrew Latin Greek Dictionary - Basel, , 1562. Triple Languages - Hebrew Latin Greek Dictionary. "Dictionarium trilingue, in quo scilicet Latinis vocabulis: in ordinem alphabeticum digestis, respondent Græca & Hebraica : Hebraicis adiecta sunt magistralia & Chaldaica / ...
ЛОТ 135: Rare and Pedigreed! The Ancient Lechem Abirim - First Edition Venice 1605 Incomplete Copy. Sefer Lechem Abirim, novellae on the tractates of the Shas: Bava Kama, Bava Meti'a, Yevamot, Ketubot and Kiddushin. By Rabbi Avraham ben Izuz known as Ben Borgel. An ancient and important work which is ...
ЛОТ 136: Rare Basic Books with Sephardic Notations: Mishpat Tzedek - First Edition Salonika, 1615. Sefer Mishpat Tzedek, section I of Teshuvot Rabbi Meir Shem Tov Melamed. First edition - Salonika, 1615. 260, 265-272 leaves. In the National Library, the book appears in the Rare Book Collection. Stefansky ...
ЛОТ 137: Basic Book: First Edition of Shut HaBach - Frankfurt am Main, 1697. Shut HaBach by Rabbi Yosef Sirkish, one of the commentators of the Tur Beit Yosef and the Bach - First edition, Frankfurt am Main, 1697. [6], 106 leaves. 2 leaves at the end of the book are missing, not of the text of the work ...
ЛОТ 138: Basic Book: Shut Hatashbetz - First Edition, Amsterdam, 1738-1739. Sefer Hatashbetz, fpur sections, Shut by Rabbi Shimon Bar Tzemach Duran - First Edition Amsterdam - 1738-1739. In his book Yafeh LaLev, Rabbi Rachamim Nissim Yitzchak ben Rabbi Chaim Palachi wrote: "ואני שמעתי על הרב הגדול ...
ЛОТ 139: Rare Basic Book, Rare Edition in Rare Condition - Seder Hakuntiris with Haggadah shel Pesach and More - Remnant of the Communities of Southern France - Single Edition Avignon, 1765. "Seder Hakuntiris, with Kiddushin and Piyyutim for Sabbath, Seder havdalah and Pizmonim for Motza'ei Shabbat ...
ЛОТ 140: Basic Book: Zichron Yosef with the Sharp Introduction against Chassidut - First Edition Furth 1773. Sefer Zichton Yosef, Shut, novellae and sermons by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Steinhardt, Av Beit Din of Furth. First edition - Furth, 1773. [3], 24, [1], 25-46, 46-67, 67-119, [2] leaves. Stefansky ...
ЛОТ 141: Sefer Kelach Pitchei Chochmah by the Ramchal - First, Chassididc Edtiion with the Rare Introduction - Koretz, 1785. Sefer Kelach (קל"ח) Pitchei Chochmah by the Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (the Ramchal) with 138 rules for understanding Kabbalah. The book is an introduction to the ...
ЛОТ 142: Extremely Rare! Mareh Mussar Der Tzucht Spiegel - Prague, 1678. Sefer Mareh Mussar Der Tzucht Spiegel, unique work gathering many Hebrew and Aramaic proverbs from the Mishnah, Gemore and Midrashim as well as Medieval popular literature. By Rabbii Yehuda Ziegelman, the son of Moshe Shimon ...
ЛОТ 143: Pedigreed Copy from Prague: Yalkut Shimoni, 2 sections, Important Edition—Frankfurt an der Oder, 1709 Original Leather Binding. Thick volume in a large format containing the two sections of the Midrash Yalkut Shimoni—a collection of ancient Midrashim on the Torah, Neviim, and Ketuvim, including ...
ЛОТ 144: Extremely Rare! Hilchot Chalah Niddah and Hadlakat Haner in Italian - Venice, 1710 Incomplete Copy . Hilchot Chalah Niddah and Hadlakat Haner in Italian / Precetti d'esser imparati dalle donne Hebree / composto per Biniammin d'Arodono in lingua todesca tradotto... nella volgare per Giacob Alpron ...
ЛОТ 145: Sefer Tehillim with the Romemot El Commentary by the Holy Alshech - Early and Rare Edition, Jessenitz, 1721. Sefer Romemot El Commentary, an extensive commentary on Sefer Tehillim by Rabbeinu Moshe the Holy Alshech. Contains the text of Tehillim with the lengthy and comprehensive commentary ...
ЛОТ 146: Rare and Special! Nachalat Shimoni Two Section - Single Edition Wandsbek 1728 Parchment Binding . Sefer Nachalat Shimoni, original and unique work, alphabetically ordered index of Biblical and Tanaic names. Divided into two sections. Sections I: Biblical names, Biblical, Talmudic and Midrashic ...
ЛОТ 147: Rare! Sefer Choshev Machashavot by the Kabbalist Rabbi Immanuel Chai Ricchi, the Mishnat Chassidim - First Edition Amsterdam, 1727 with His Famed Responsa about the Not Wearing Tefillin on Chol HaMoed. Sefer Choshev Machashavot: "זה ספר חושב מחשבות, שחברתי אני הצעיר עמנואל חי ריקי [הי"ד בעל ...
ЛОТ 148: Rare! Aderet Eliyahu Two Sections by the Author of the Mishnat Chassidim, Illustrations - First Edition Livorno, 1742. Aderet Eliyahu Dikdukin on the depth of Halacha, by the Gaon Kabbalist Rabbi Immanuel Raphael Chai Ricchi, author of the famed Mishnat Chassidim. Like his other books, this book ...
ЛОТ 149: Complete set with Elegant Leather Bindings: Chemdat Yamim- Kabbalah, Venice 1763. Complete set of the polemic work Chemdat Yamim, a work on Minhagim and Halachot, with Tochechot Mussar based on Kabbalah. Written in a unique, clear language to excite the heart to Avodat Hashem, first printed in ...
ЛОТ 150: Complete Set with Leather-Covered Wooden Bindings with Buckles: the Rambam's Mishneh Torah - Furth, 1765-1767 Ownership Signatures. Complete set of Sefer Mishneh Torah, Hayad Hachazakah by Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon. Furth, 1765-1767. With approbations by Rabbi Ysef Steinhardt, Av Beit Din of Furth ...
ЛОТ 151: Original Bindings with the Rare Title Page! Most of the Set of the Ezrat Hasofer Chumashim - Tikkun Sofrim the Vowelized Edition Amsterdam, 1867-9. Set of four of the Ezrat Hasofer Chamisha Chumshei Torah, Tikkun Sofrim for a scribe with Vavei HaAmudim - an early custom by which every column of ...
ЛОТ 152: Complete Set of Mishnayot with Nekudot Hachosef - Mantova, 1777-1778. Complete Set of Mishnayot with Nekudot Hachosef, by Rabbi David Altoras. "Divided into 29 days of study, to study 18 daily chapters each and every month". The press of the physician Rabbi Eliezer Shlomo of Italy, Mantova ...
ЛОТ 153: Extremely Rare: Toldot Yosef on Shir Hashirim - First Edition Sudilkov? 1825 - Pedigreed Copy . Sefer Toldot Yosef, section II of a wonderful work on Shir Hashirim authored by Rabbi Yosef Av Beit Din of Liska: "וזה אוד מוצל מאש משלהבת ספר תולדות יוסף הגדול שהוא ביאור גם על כל חמשה חומשי תורה ...
ЛОТ 154: Extremely Rare! Torah Nevi'im and Ketuvim Published by Gedolei Hador Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Halevi Bamberger, Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer and Rabbi Meir Lehman - Leipzig, 1870 . Torah Nevi'im and Ketuvim in a single volume, with a table of the Haftarot. A special and elegant edition, published by ...
ЛОТ 155: Extremely Rare: Minhagei Ashkenaz, Sefer Maharil with Siddur. Frankfurt am, Main 1688. Pocket Format. Sefer Maharil, “Morenu…Rabbi Yaakov ben Moshe HaLevi…who wrote and established the Minhagim of Ashkenaz and guided the path by which we are to walk…from the beginning of the year til its end ...
ЛОТ 156: Extremely Rare! Not in the National Library: Tehillim with Ma'amadot Miniature Copy with an Original Binding - Amsterdam, 1816. Sefer Tehillim "reprinted beautifully and without any kind of error". With Seder HaMa'amadot with a separate title page. Fine miniature edition - printed by Yochanan ...
ЛОТ 157: Machzor for Shalosh Regalim with the Rare, Full Handwritten Signature of the Disciple of the Chatam Sofer the Gaon Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Halevi of London, Montefiore's Secretary - Rodelheim, 1840 Good Condition . Sefer Kerovot, which is a Machzor for Pesach, Shavu'ot and Sukkot, edited by Rabbi Wolf ...
ЛОТ 158: Autograph page of the author: Commentary on Megillat Esther handwritten by the kabbalist Rabbi Elisha Goliko, a student of the Beit Yosef, a sage of the Dor De’ah in Tzfat. Tzfat 16th century. A commentary on Megillat Esther actually handwritten by the kabbalist Rabbi Elisha Goliko, a student ...
ЛОТ 159: Torah Novellae Handwritten by Rabbi Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz, HaShelah HaKadosh. How delightful it was to hold a manuscript by Rabbeinu Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz, the greatest Kabbalist of Ashkenaz, author of the famed book Shnei Luchot Habrit, after which he was known as HaShelah HaKadosh. A leaf ...
ЛОТ 160: Large Historical Collection from the Froidiger-Obuda Family of Rabbis and Activists - Budapest, late 18th Century - Early 20th Century . Large historical collection, imporatnt, varied and fascinating. Letters and notebooks handwritten by the famed rabbis and activists of the Froidiger-Obuda ...
ЛОТ 161: Impressive Copy with an Ancient Leather Binding: Shut Bnei Moshe - Single Edition Kushta, 1713 Incomplete Copy. Sefer Bnei Moshe, Halachic Shut by the Dayan Rabbi Moshe ben Yaakov Shiltomn. Single edition (the facsimile edition of recent decades not withstanding). The Press of Yonah ben Yaakov ...
ЛОТ 162: Ladino: Shelom Yerushalayim, the Time of Redemption Polemic - Single Edition and in the Author's Lifetime Offen, 1840. Sefer Shelom Yerushalayim, by the Gaon Rabbi yehuda ben Shlomo Chai Alkalai. The entire book is written in Ladino with Rashi script. The book defends what he had written in his ...
ЛОТ 163: Stamp of Maran Rabbi Ovadya Yosef on His First Book: Chazon Ovadya Section I - Jerusalem 1952 Edition Pedigreed Copy. Sefer Chazon Ovadya, section I compiling halachic study and comments on Divrei Poskim, Hilchot Seder Leil Pesach, by Rabbi Ovadya Yosef, "previously Rosh Av Beit Din of Egypt ...
ЛОТ 164: Lengthy Unusual Letter by Maran rabbo Ovadya Yosef on Teaching Torah and Blessings for Good Health - Jerusalem, 1988. צדיק גוזר וה' מקיים! - letter with an appeal to a neighbor to allow the opening of a Kollel in an apartment, with a blessing for his wife's good healeth if he does as he is ...
ЛОТ 165: Rare! Bibliographically Unknown: Kuntres Chessed VeEmet with Coupons for Buying a Grave on the Mount of Olives - Jerusalem, 1903. Kuntres Chessed VeEmet "By the Gaon Rav Gabai and the managers of the Gomlei Chessed shel Emet Chevra Kaddisha of the Ashkenazic Kollelim, residents of Vilna... ...
ЛОТ 166: Interesting Document of the Charity Fund of Rabbi Shmuel Salant with the Handwritten Signatures of Many of the Leading Rabbis of Jerusalem - Jerusalem, 1908. Original document of the Charity Fund of Rabbi Shmuel Salant, the Rav of Jerusalem, with the handwritten signatures of many of the leading ...
ЛОТ 167: Unparalleled! Historical Document, Signature of the Leaders of the Kollelim of Jerusalem Headed by Maran Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld about Their Reluctance to Register under the Chief Rabbinat!. "אין אנו מסכימים בשום אופן להעביר את משרד ההקדשות של היהודים לרשות משרד הרבנות" (We refuse to ...
ЛОТ 168: Historical and Rare! First Publication of the Official handwritten Response of the Gaon Av Beit Din Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld to the Lord Northcliffe Affair that Stirred Up the Emotions of the Jewish Yishuv in the 1920s. "בהדברים שנדברנו עם הלורד נורדקליף היה אפשר להכיר רק התנגדות לחפץ ...
ЛОТ 169: Letter of Blessings - Handwritten Entirely by the Gaon Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis Rosh Av Beit Din of HaEidah HaChareidit, to the Maharitz Dushinsky and the Rabbis of the Community - Kalwaria, 1936. ונסו הצללים בארצנו הקדושה - letter of blessings by the great Gaon Rabbi Zelig Reuven Bengis ...
ЛОТ 170: The Tepliker Rov: Letter by the Gaon Rabbi Shimchon Aharon Polansky, the Rav of the Greatest Poskim of the Recent Generation - Jerusalem, 1947. Letter handwritten by the great Gaon Rabbi Shimchon Aharon Polansky, Rav of the Beit Yisrael neighborhood - Jerusalem, 1947. Rabbeinu wrote the letter ...
ЛОТ 171: Sharp Letter against the Israeli Independence Day with the Original Signatures of the Minchat Yitzchak, Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund and Rabbi Yisrael Moshe Dushinsky. שלא יהינו להשתתף חלילה בחינגא שלהם (They should not even think of taking part, G-d forbid, in their festival) - draft of an ...
ЛОТ 172: Historical Polemic: Rare Letter of Zealousness against Education Tax Signed by Leading Rabbis of Jerusalem, the Admor of Toldot Aharon, the Gaon Rabbi Yisrael Yaakov Fischer and More - Jerusalem, 1945 . "ממס זה יוצאו להחזקת בתי חינוך של כפירה" (This tax pays for educational linstitutions of ...
ЛОТ 173: Historical Protocol with the Agreement between the Philanthropist, the Famed Chassid Rabbi Yisrael Zupnik and the HaEidah HaChareidit of Jerusalem - Jerusalem, 1955. Fascinating historical protocol with the agreement between the famed philanthropist Rabbi Yisrael Zupnik and the HaEidah ...
ЛОТ 174: Rare! Receipt of the Sukkat Shalom Yeshiva of the Tzaddik Rabbi Eliyahu Greiditzer - with the Handwritten Signature of Rabbi Yaakov Mordechai Hirschenson, the Right-Hand Man of the Greiditzer - Jerusalem, 1870 . Unique receipt, by one of the early printeries of Jerusalem, of the Sukkat Shalom ...
ЛОТ 175: Maharal Books of the Gaon Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Auerbach, Founder and Rosh yeshiva of Sha'ar HaShamayim - Signatures and Notations Handwritten by Him . Volume with books by the Maharal: Netivot Olam (two sections, a separate title page for each section) - a basic Mussar book on the Midot ...
ЛОТ 176: Impressive Copy with Wide Margins and Glosses: Nefesh Hachaim by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin - Second Edition with Variations Vilna 1837. Sefer Nefesh Hachaim, "יראת ה' לחיים, קונטרסים מכתבי קודש של הגאון האמיתי... כקש"ת מו' חיים נ"ע האב"ד ור"מ דק"ק וולאזין אשר יקרא בחתימתו בכתיבתו בשם נפש ...
ЛОТ 177: Remnant from the Library of the Volozhin Yeshiva - Gra First Edition: Piskei HaGra - Vilna, 1875. First edition of Sefer Piskei HaGaon Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim - Vilna, 1875. Vinograd Otzar Sifrei HaGra 788. [1], 49 leaves. Moth perforations and damage. Stains and ...
ЛОТ 178: Remnant from the Slabodka Yeshiva of Lithuania: Shut Artzot Yehuda on Choshen Mishpat - Vilna, 1886. Shut Artzot Yehuda on Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Yehuda Dvortz - Vilna, 1886. Two title pages. 49 leaves. Moth perforations and damage. Stains and some other blemishes. Good overall condition. ...
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