Asta 56 Parte 1 Photos, archives, documents, medals, badges, postcards, mail

Da North auction house

49 Lermontovsky Ave., Saint Petersburg, Russia

  • Photos (100 lots), including the archive of architect A. I. Dmitriev, the archive of captain S.K. Guryev
  • Antique papers and documents, including the archive of A. N. Leo, the archive of captain of the 1st rank V. I. Lepko, the archive of captain of the 2nd rank A. N. Minin.
  • Medals, badges, tokens, sports badges of the USSR, shoulder straps
  • Coins, scales, securities, labels, packaging, advertising
  • Postcards (200 lots), stamps and mail (150 lots)

Delivery to Moscow by agreement, from May 8 to May 11, hotel "1 Artotel" (Alekseevskaya metro station), delivery cost 500 rubles • Delivery across Russia and the world (SDEK, Russian Post, Art Mail) • Please read the terms of payment and delivery carefully!

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