Asta 29 Collectors Sale! Slavita and Zhitomir printings

Da Rarity Auction House

17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, Stati Uniti

A special sale of sacred books printed in holiness and purity by the righteous Rabbi Moshe Shapira of Slavita and his sons.

“All those who fear Hashem should try to acquire old printings of sefarim, which were mostly printed by G-d fearing Jews, especially those of the Slavita and Zhitomir printings, printed by the grandsons of the Rabbi of Koritz, exceptionally holy printers” (Taharas Hakodesh by the Shomer Emunim ch. 6).

Seforim that were printed at the printeries of Slavuta and Zhitmoir were known for their special holiness and sanctity, their printing blocks being immersed in a Mikveh before being used. It is common knowledge that possessing a book that was printed in Zhitomir or Slavuta is a Segulah for an abundance of blessing and success.

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