LOTE 1: Huge, Rare Collection: Dozens of Shanghai Prints - Library of the Last Remnant of the Shanghai Exile. Uncommon and valuable collection comprised of dozens of sefarim dealing with all areas of hidden and revealed Torah, printed by Jews in Shanghai, China, where they had fled from various cities ...
LOTE 2: Likkutei Shoshanim - Catalog of Rabbi Matityahu Strashun's Important Library. Berlin, 1889. Sifrei Likkutei Shoshanim - a list of the books collected by the rabbi, the great gaon ... expert in all Jewish literature, the respected philanthropist among his people, Rabbi Matityahu Strashun ztz"l of ...
LOTE 3: Tzala"ch - First Edition. Prague, 1784. Handwritten Revision. Sefer Tziyun L'Nefesh Chayah - Tzala"ch , novellae on Tractate Pesachim by the mighty gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Landau, av beit din of Prague and author of Noda BiYehudah . Prague, 1784. First edition, in the author's lifetime. First ...
LOTE 4: Pachad Yitzchak. Complete Set. 13 parts. The First Encyclopedia of Torah. Huge Production Printed over Approximately 140 Years. Pachad Yitzchak - Alpha Beta Ravta , including halachahs and aggadahs, mishnah , breita , Sh"as, the Ri"f and adjudicative literature by Rabbi Yitzchak Lampronte of ...
LOTE 5: Torat Moshe - Complete Set. First Edition of the Rav"eh's Chumash (and Siddur). Rödelheim, 1818-1821. "If not for him - the piyyutim would already have been lost and no longer recited in our generations " (The Chata"m Sofer about the Rav"eh) Chumash Torat Moshe - chamishah chumshei Torah ...
LOTE 6: First Edition: Shnei Luchot HaBrit. Amsterdam, 1648-1649. Including the Famous 'Tefillat HaShla"h'. Sefer Shnei Luchot HaBrit by the gadol v'kadosh hadorot , the G-dly Kabbalist Rabbeinu Yeshayah HaLevi Horowitz, also known as 'HaShla"h HaKadosh' after the name of this sefer . Amsterdam ...
LOTE 7: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Second Edition, Printed by the Author. Exceptionally Rare. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Shlomo Gantzfried, second edition with many supplements and revisions by the author. Lemberg, by Avraham Nissan Ziss. 1866. Second edition of this renowned sefer , first printed by ...
LOTE 8: Large Collection of Sefarim - First Editions of Fundamental Works. Signatures and Glosses. Large collection consisting of dozens of sefarim on various topics - scholarship and halachah, mussar and history, published 1763-1940. Most have owners' signatures and notations, some important. Refer to ...
LOTE 9: Tikkun Sofrim. Amsterdam. Beautiful Set in Antique Leather Binding. Tikkun Sofrim - Chamishah Chumshei Torah. With Chamesh Meggilot. And Haftarot, per the custom of all the sacred communities (Ashkenazim and Sephardim). With some additional virtues, Amsterdam, Dayan Moshe Frankfurt Press ...
LOTE 10: Shirei David HaMelech - Tehillim with Hungarian Translation. Buda, 1841. Shirei David HaMelech - vegy David Kiraly Enekei forditotta - Tehillim with a Hungarian translation by Moshe Rosenthal. Tehillim with Hungarian translation written per the translation by Moses Mendelssohn. The translation ...
LOTE 11: Shir HaShirim with the Oteh Ohr Commentary. Memel, 1861. First Edition. Meggilat Shir HaShirim with the Oteh Ohr elucidation by Rabbi Yechiel Heller, av beit din of Plungian. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the author, Rabbi Yechiel Heller. Signatures and owner's ...
LOTE 12: Tractate Berachot. Controversial Edition. Amsterdam, 1714. Impressive Leather Binding. Tractate Berachot from the Babylonian Talmud, with Mishnayot Seder Zera'im, accompanied by the basic commentaries. Brought to print by Rabbi Aryeh Yehudah Leib son of Rabbi Yosef Shmuel of Kraków, av beit din ...
LOTE 13: Meginei Eretz. Dyhernfurth, 1702. Second Edition. Especially Rare Sefer. Meginei Eretz - Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, Turei Zahav and Magen Avraham . With the Ateret Zekeinim commentary. Dyhernfurth, 1702. Second edition of Meginei Eretz . Lacking the end. Including all the renowned works ...
LOTE 14: Chiddushei HaTorah, Offenbach, 1716. Rare Sefer. Chiddushei HaTorah - novellae by Torah commentators - the Rishonim - the sages of Spain and France, and the Acharonim; Sefer Nachalat Binyamin and Sefer HaLekket by Rabbi Yosef Ginzburg. Offenbach, 1716. Unique work with alphabetically ...
LOTE 15: The Renowned Sefer Mishlei Shu'alim by Rabbi Berachyahu HaNakdan. Berlin, 1756. Signature and Notation. The renowned sefer Mishlei Shu'alim by the complete sage Rabbi Berachyah HaNakdan, beautifully reprinted. Berlin, 1756. Mishlei Shu'alim is an anthology of parables composed and compiled by ...
LOTE 16: Messilat Yesharim by the Ramcha"l - Shklov, 1795. Rare Early Edition. Sefer Messilat Yesharim - topics in mussar and fear of Heaven by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato - the Ramcha"l. Sefer Derech Etz Chayim appears at the end of this sefer . Shklov, 1795. Especially rare edition. When this book ...
LOTE 17: Messilat Yesharim by the Ramcha"l - Poritsk, 1816 - Rare Edition. Sefer Messilat Yesharim - topics in mussar and fear of Heaven by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato - the Ramcha"l. Poritsk, R' Shlomo b"r Chanina Press, 1816. Rare edition. When this book reached the Vilna Gaon, he stated that a new ...
LOTE 18: Shulchan HaTahor. R' Yisrael Beck Press, 1836. First Edition. Shulchan HaTahor. Abbreviated Tarya"g Mitzvot L'HaRamba"m as arranged by the Shach, divided by the thirty days of the month, with supplements from the gemara, Zohar and more, by Rabbi Nissim Zerachiah Azoulay. Yisrael Beck Press. ...
LOTE 19: Especially Rare: Collection of Sefarim by Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch. First Editions. German. Two Volumes. Volume 1: * Sefer Chorev - the source of each and every mitzvah in the Torah, the reasons for the mitzvahs, and how the reason for each mitzvah can be found in all of its details ...
LOTE 20: Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, Jubiläums-Nummer, 1908, Rare. Samson Raphael Hirsch, Jubiläums-Nummer. Half-jubilee celebratory edition published to mark the 25th anniversary of Rabbi Hirsch's passing. Essays, poems, biography and bibliography about the path and life of Rabbi Shimshon Raphael ...
LOTE 21: Rare: Edut Hashem Ne'emanah - Hebron Controversy, 1862. Not Listed Bibliographically . Sharp controversy in the Hebron community - dispute about the city's kollel funds, with a profound description of the difficult condition of Hebron's Jews, and many details about the relationship between the ...
LOTE 22: Collection of [4] Rare Compilation on the Shemittah Controversy in the Land of Israel, with an Unknown Leaf, 1909-1910. Volume with four rare compilations dealing with the shemittah controversy in 1909-1910 between the Ridba"z and Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook. Emotional controversy ...
LOTE 23: Polemic - Ashes of those Burnt and Removal of Cemeteries in Germany. Frankfurt-Drohobich, 1907. Only Edition. Ohr HaEmet - letters on Sefer Chayyei Olam by Rabbi Meir Lerner, by Rabbi Shimon Tzvi Deutch. Regarding the controversy about those whose bodies were ordered to be burnt - whether ...
LOTE 24: Wedding Condition Controversy. LeDor Acharon. Brooklyn, NY. 1937. Only Edition. LeDor Acharon - work relating to the final generation what the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada did in the holy war against the new rectifiers, a milchemet mitzvah for the sake of the purity ...
LOTE 25: Sefer HaEshkol Controversy. Tzidkat HaTzaddik. Berlin, 1910. First Edition. "Tzidkat HaTzaddik" - essay about Sefer HaEshkol published by Rabbi Tzvi Binyamin Auerbach ztz"l, av beit din of Halberstadt, to remove the accusation of plagiarism, by Rabbi Chanoch Ehrentrau and Rabbi Ya'akov Schorr. ...
LOTE 26: Collection [10] Important Bibliographic Works. * Kitvei Yad B'Kabbalah found at the National and University Library in Jerusalem, described and researched by Gershon Scholem, with Yissachar Yoel. Supplement to the Kiryat Sefer quarterly, Jerusalem, 1930. Uncut sheets. * Toldot HaDefus ...
LOTE 27: The Antwerp Controversy: Kuntress Sefat Emet. Antwerp, 1932. Kuntress Sefat Emet - about the conflict between the community leaders in Antwerp and the synagogue gabba'im by Rabbi David Horowitz of Stanislov. Antwerp, 1932. Rare booklet. "Including responsa and rulings about the synagogue ...
LOTE 28: The Fraudulent Yerushalmi: Talmud Yerushalmi for Seder Kodshim - the Fraud that Shook the Torah World. "New!! Published for the first time from an ancient manuscript ..." (Freidlander's propaganda about three printings of this Yerushalmi Kodshim) Two volumes - four tractates from Talmud ...
LOTE 29: Especially Rare: Machzor for the Yamim Nora'im for Spanish Anusim. Amserdam, 1726. Spanish. Orden de Ros-Asanah y Kipur - machzor for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Amsterdam, Aharon Hisquia Querido Press, 5486/1726. On the title page: Orden de-Ros-asanah y Kipur: por estillo corriente y seguido ...
LOTE 30: Rare: Siddur "Seder HaTamid." Avignon, [France] 1767. Remnant of the Text of the Ancient Communities. Seder HaTamid Part II, with prayers for Shabbat and festivals, Pirkei Avot, rhymes and hymns, per the custom of the sacred four communities ... [communities in France] in Vigishin(?) district: ...
LOTE 31: Siddur with Unique Prayers. Amsterdam, 1728. Complete Copy with a Stunning Binding. Seder Tefillot - thick siddur with unique and rare prayers, including parashiyot read in the Torah on Mondays and Thursdays with a separate title page, according to the Sephardic custom, . Amsterdam, Attias Press ...
LOTE 32: Machzor for Rosh HaShanah with an English Translation. London, 1790. The Form of Prayers for the New Year According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews , carefully translated from the original Hebrew by David Bar Mordechai HaLevi. London, 1790. With a Hebrew title page and two ...
LOTE 34: Teffilah Zakkah. Pair of Rare Early Editions . * Tefillah Zakkah recited at the beginning of Yom Kippur, by Rabbi Avraham Danzig. With Yiddish translation. Vilna and Horodna, 1834. On the title page: With Yiddish translation ... The translation is in Tze'enah U'Re'enah lettering. Second ...
LOTE 35: Tefillat Yisrael, Beautiful Miniature Siddur. Very rare. Siddur Tefillat Yisrael - siddur for weekdays, Shabbat, festivals and the high holidays, with a German translation by Yitzchak Noach Mannheimer on facing pages, and with the HaNoten Teshuah prayer for Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress ...
LOTE 36: Machzor with a Magnificent Leather Binding. Machzor im Kavvanat HaPaytan , per the Ashkenaz custom with a Teitch , and Hadrat Kodesh with Teitch . Part I, for the first day of Rosh HaShanah. Amsterdam, Proops Press. 1768. With an especially magnificent original leather binding, with a gilt ...
LOTE 37: Gedolim Ma'asei Hashem - Elucidations on the Torah and Topics Related to the Exodus from Egypt, with the Entire Passover Haggadah, by Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi. Venice, 1583. First Edition. First edition of this important commentary, reprinted in many editions. One of the first commentaries ...
LOTE 38: First Edition: Haggadah, Ma'aleh Beit Chorin. Amsterdam, 1781. Passover Haggadah per the Sephardic and Ashkenazic customs, Ma'aleh Beit Chorin , with commentaries by three pillars of the world. Amsterdam, 1781. First edition of the haggadah entitled Ma'aleh Beit Chorin, reprinted in dozens of ...
LOTE 39: Pair of Important Haggadahs by Rabbi Ya'akov Shimshon Sinigaliah and Rabbi Yishmael HaKohen of Modena. Signatures. * Haggadah shel Pesach, with Pesach Me'ubin - legal novellae and conduct by Rabbi Chaim Benveniste, and with Machshirei Pascha - laws of kashering utensils, and by Ya'akov Shimshon ...
LOTE 40: Birkat HaMazon with the Passover Haggadah. Yiddish. Amsterdam, 1702. Birkat HaMazon per the customs of Ashkenaz and Poland, with more blessings and laws ... and zemirot and a translation ... Amsterdam, by order of the young man Shlomo son of Rabbi Yosef Katz Proops, bookseller. Emmanuel Attias ...
LOTE 41: Sefer HaTishbee. Yezne, Complete Edition. First Edition. Sefer HaTishbee - Grammatical work by Rabbi Eliyahu Bachur. Yezne, 1541. Hebrew and Latin. Opvscvlvm Recens Hebraicvm a ... Eliia Levita Germano ... elaboratum, cui titulum fecit Tishbee id est, Thisbites, in quo 712 First edition of ...
LOTE 42: Handwritten and Hand-Drawn Haggadah Given by the Chatam Sofer to his Wife Sarel. Facsimile . "I wrote it for the great gaon, the unique wonder of the generation, wondrous in all sorts of wonders, the honorable Moshe Sofer, av beit din and lecturer in Pressburg. He gifted it to his wife ...
LOTE 43: Rare Siddur: Neve Shalom. Constantinople, 1538. First Edition. Sefer Neve Shalom - foundations of faith divided into thirteen essays by Rabbi Avraham Shalom. Eliezer ben Gershom Soncino Press. Constantinople, 1538-1539. First edition. Especially rare siddur. Incomplete copy. On the title page: ...
LOTE 44: L'Chol Chefetz. Tikkun Shtarot - Contracts used by the Jewish People According to Dat Moshe and Halachah, by Rabbi Eliezer Mili. Venice, by Daniel Eidelkind, 1552. Only Edition. Texts for 38 types of halachic contracts. The author was an Italian sage and a rabbi in Ferrara. He expresses his ...
LOTE 45: Moreh Nevuchim by the Ramba"m. Sabbioneta, 1553. Signatures. Sefer Moreh Nevuchim by the Ramba"m, with commentaries. Sabbioneta, Puah Press by Cornelio Eidelkind, 1553. Several antique rabbinic signatures appear at the top of the title page in different scripts. Early edition of the Ramba"m's ...
LOTE 46: Goren Nachon. Riva di Trento, 1562. First Edition. Goren Nachon - including improving character, by the chacham Rabbi Shlomo ben Yuda Gabirol, z"l, with Sefer Mussarei HaPhilosophim [V' Sefer HaTapuach L'Aristotlus ]. Early sefer with three philosophic works translated into Hebrew, including ...
LOTE 47: Shulchan Aruch, Venice, 1594. Two Parts. Shulchan Aruch with Hagahot HaRam"a and explanations of essential words. Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat sections. Venice, di Gara Press. 1594. Early edition of the Shulchan Aruch, and one of the earliest editions of Shulchan Aruch "wrapped in the ...
LOTE 48: Olat Tamid - Derashot al HaTorah by Rabbi Moshe Elbildah. Venice, Zaitti Press. 1601. First Edition. Important work, and uncommon. The author's identity is uncertain - there were two Rabbi Moshe Elbildahs, a grandfather and his grandson. The author was probably the grandson, who was born in ...
LOTE 49: Collection of Some of Sifrei HaLevushim, Early Editions C. 17th Century. Two volumes with the fundamental commentary on the four parts of Shulchan Aruch by the mighty gaon Rabbi Mordechai Jaffe, known throughout the generations by the name of his sefer , as the Ba'al HaLevushim. Two parts, early ...
LOTE 50: Ben Shmuel, Mantua. 1622. Magnificent Antique Leather Binding. Pedigree Copy. Sefer Ben Shmuel - thirty derashot for special Shabbats, holidays and celebrations, by Rabbi Shmuel di Medinah - the Maharashda"m. With a preface by the author's grandson, and two poems. Mantua, 1622. First edition. ...
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