Название нашего традиционного книжного майского аукциона вдохновлено большой масштабной коллективной монографией, посвященной искусству ХХ века
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LOTTO 168:
Russian Revolutionary Art by John Milner
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Prezzo iniziale:
Prezzo stimato :
2 000p - 4 000p
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
Altri dettagli
Russian Revolutionary Art by John Milner
London: Bloomsbury Books, 1987
96 pp., ill., 29.5 by 21.7 cm
The Russian Revolution of 1917 not only detonated a political explosion of mammoth proportions but also ignited a frenzied period of artistic creativity and experiment, extinguished only by the deadening impact of Stalin and Social Realism. The artistic revolution permeated all areas of aesthetic expression, but perhaps its most significant features were its whole-hearted acceptance of the machine as a dominant motif and the obsession with the fundamental structure, the actual ‘construction’, of objects. The Constructivists were revolutionary in the truest sense; their art was both a startling innovation and a vehicle to spread the ideology of the Revolution. Constructivism reflected the spirit of a society in an extreme state of flux, throwing out a myriad of ideas, plans and projects, many of which remained unrealized.