2023 Vintage Fall Sport & Non-Sport PSA Card Auction
Da Caff's Collectibles
45 Pine Ridge Road Westford, MA 01886, Stati Uniti
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2020 Topps GPK Garbage Pail Kids Krashers Complete 10 Sticker License Plate Set

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 5
Prezzo stimato :
$25 - $50
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 8% Altri dettagli
IVA: 6.25% Il prezzo e la commissione del lotto completo
Gli utenti stranieri potrebbero essere esentati dal pagamento delle tasse, secondo il regime fiscale vigente.
14.10.23 in Caff's Collectibles

2020 Topps GPK Garbage Pail Kids Krashers Complete 10 Sticker License Plate Set
You are bidding on a 2020 Topps GPK Garbage Pail Kids Krashers Complete 10 Card License Plate Back Set.   Topps produced less than 360 of these sets. This rare and limited set is in Near Mint condition and consists of the following 10 cards: 1. Atomic Bomber 2. Dual Fuel 3. Greaser 4. Curse Hearse 5. Jawbreaker 6. Snot Rod 7. Chiller Coffin 8. Taggin Wagon 9. Trash Thrasher 10. Barf Bucket Please let me know if you have any questions before you bid or purchase.