Vente 11/1
Par Cuptsovdom
Мясницкая 30/1/2, Russie
Живопись, графика. переодика, авангард, книги, ДПИ, предметы знаменитостей. Медельский, Мальцов. Рена Цузмер, Русское серебро.
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LOT 40:

The book "Open Letters and other artistic publications of the community of St. Eugenia of the Red Cross" is the ...

Vendu pour: 1 500p
Prix de départ:
1 000 p
Commission de la maison de ventes: 15% Plus de détails
24.10.21 à Cuptsovdom
tags: Livres

The book "Open Letters and other artistic publications of the community of St. Eugenia of the Red Cross" is the sixth edition. Petrograd, 1915.