Leilão 14/2
Por Cuptsovdom
Мясницкая, 30/1/2, Rússia
Марки, конверты, (арктика и антарктика), графика (макеты иллюстраций, акварель, академический рисунок), фото (спорт, балет, военные. эстрада, авто), значки, знаки, настольные медали, книги (искусство, история, классика), ДПИ (литье бронза, чугун Касли, фарфор, серебро, макеты).
O leilão terminou

LOTE 110:

1973v. August 31,

At the conference of writers of Asian and African countries. ...

Preço inicial:
100 p
Comissão da leiloeira: 15% Mais detalhes
31.1.22 em Cuptsovdom

1973v. August 31,

At the conference of writers of Asian and African countries. Hood. Yu.Levinovsky.Deep printing on coated paper.Ram. 11.5. Stamp size 28x40mm, 50 pieces per sheet (10x5)

 bk.- A burning torch, in the contour of which a feather is inscribed
fountain pens and Roman zither U.Background picture-opened
a book on the pages of which the outlines of the continents of Asia and Africa are depicted. and purple purple
ocher. Circulation 2.6 billion.