Asta 4 Parte 2 Rabbinic manuscripts, letters by rabbis, autographs, Kodesh books, inscriptions and signatures
Da Jerusalem of gold
Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem, Israele
L'asta è terminata

LOTTO 375:

Eight Old and Rare Pictures of the Greatest Rabbis

Venduto per: $150
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 50
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 19%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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26.11.15 in Jerusalem of gold

Eight Old and Rare Pictures of the Greatest Rabbis
Among the pictures:
A. Picture of the author of 'Shomer Emunim' inhis youth.
B. Two pictures of Rabbi David Soloveitchik in his youth, head of Brisk Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
C. Picture of Rabbi Yisrael Hagerm the author of 'Ahavat Yisrael' from Vizhnitz.
D. Picture of Rabbi Meir Kerlitz, signature: "Poalei 'Agudat Yisrael' Switzerland"
Condition: Very Good.