Asta 13
Da Jerusalem of gold
Jerusalem, Israele
L'asta è terminata


The 'Tavlin La'Mitzvah' Haggadah / Nifla'ot Maharal Mi'Prague (Bukhori!)

Venduto per: $120
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 19%
IVA: 18% Solo su commissione
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21.2.17 in Jerusalem of gold

The 'Tavlin La'Mitzvah' Haggadah / Nifla'ot Maharal Mi'Prague (Bukhori!)
A. Nifla'ot Maharal Mi'Prague (Bukhori!). The biography of the Maharal of Prague. Jerusalem 1914. This is the composition of Rabbi Yehuda Yudel Rosenberg "Nifla'ot Maharal" (printed originally in Warsaw 1899). Before us is the composition translated into Bukhori in Hebrew script. A unique, interesting phenomenon.
Th ecopy before us lacks the title page.
[3 pp.] 73 leaves.
Condition: Good. Wear.
B. Passover Haggadah. With the "Tavlin La'Mitzvah" commentary. Jerusalem 1910. First edition. By Rabbi Avraha, Aharon Ha'Levi Prague. Lowy printing press, 53 leaves. Ya'ari 1778; Otzar Ha'Haggadot 2473. The copy before us was printed withpit the approbations leaf.
Condition: Good. Many wine stains.