Asta 62 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
Da Kedem
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israele
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Collection of Leaves of Ancient Manuscripts from the Middle Ages Originating from Geniza – Oriental Countries

Venduto per: $2 400
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 500
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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28.8.18 in Kedem

Collection of Leaves of Ancient Manuscripts from the Middle Ages Originating from Geniza – Oriental Countries
Collection of ancient handwritten leaves, which were retrieved from geniza. Mostly complete leaves.
· Gathering of six leaves out of a manuscript composition on Mitzvot, in Judeo-Arabic, from a chapter discussing the laws of ritual slaughtering. It appears to be a Karaite work. Early oriental square script. [13th/14th century].
[6] leaves, [12] written pages. 18 cm. 21 lines per page. Fair condition. Stains and wear. Large tears affecting text in several places.
· Two leaves, out of a medical composition in Judeo-Arabic. Early oriental semi-cursive script. [14th/15th century]. Out of chapters on eye care. A diagram appears on p. [3].
[2] leaves, [4] written pages. 17.5 cm. 15-16 lines per page. Fair condition. Stains, tears and wear, affecting text.
· Two leaves, three of the pages contain Arabic inscriptions (presumably concerning commerce), and the fourth page contains lists in Arabic in Hebrew script. Early oriental semi-cursive script. [15th century?].
[2] leaves, [4] written pages. 18 cm. Fair-poor condition. Stains, wear and tears, affecting text.