Leilão 55 Part I - Rare and Important Items
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Mitzvat Nashim Melumada - First Two Italian Editions - Venice 1616, Padova 1625 / Manuscript of the Composition ...

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Mitzvat Nashim Melumada - First Two Italian Editions - Venice 1616, Padova 1625 / Manuscript of the Composition with Textual Variations
Mitzvat Nashim Melumada, laws and mussar for women, the two first printed editions in Italian, and a manuscript of the composition:
* Two printed editions of the book Mitzvat Nashim Melumada / Precetti da Esser Imparati Dalle Donne Hebree, "Laws of challah, lighting candles and derech eretz". First and second edition of the Italian translation: Venice 1616; Padova (Padua), 1625.
* Manuscript, Mitzvat Nashim Melumada. Italian, interwoven with Hebrew words. [17th/18th centuries]. Differs from the printed edition. Lacking at beginning.
Mitzvat Nashim Melumada is an Italian translation of the book Seder Mitzvot Hanashim by R. Binyamin Aharon Slonik, author of the Mas'at Binyamin responsa [disciple of the Maharshal and the Rama, a prominent posek of the 16th century]. This composition was originally written in Yiddish for Jewish women containing halachot of their special mitzvoth: nidah, challah and lighting Shabbat candles, with words of inspiration and mussar. The book was first printed in Cracow in 1577, and later reprinted many times due to its captivating popularity. The book was adapted and translated into Italian by R. Ya'akov ben R. Elchanan Halprin, an Ashkenazi sage who lived in Italy [he wrote the book Nachalat Ya'akov, Padova 1623, which received an approbation from the Shla at the time he passed through Venice on his way to Eretz Israel, in which he notes the G-dly wisdom of the author and praises him and his work]. These are the first two Italian editions (More editions were printed in Italian later, in 1652 and 1711 in Venice).
Two books and a manuscript. 1616 Edition: [5], 101, [10] pages. 1625 Edition: [19], 115 pages. Approximately 19 cm. Condition varies among the books. One is in overall good condition and the other in overall fair condition. Stains and wear, tears and damages (with lacking and damaged text to title page and several other places), professionally restored. One book has a handsome contemporary leather binding, with an embossed gilt ornamentation. Manuscript: [74] leaves (numbered 11-84. Lacking at beginning). Approximately 21 cm. Overall good-fair condition. Stains, dampstains, worn margins. Contemporary cardboard binding, with restored spine.
Provenance: Toaff family collection.