מכירה פומבית 2 חלק ב'
Moscow trading
Г Москва , ул. Краснопрудная 7-9, רוסיה
המכירה הסתיימה

פריט 427:

Rarity! Icon Wonder of finding of Okovetskaya (Rzhevskaya) icon of the Mother of God. First half of XIX century. ...

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא 

מחיר פתיחה:
60,000 p
עמלת בית המכירות: 20% למידע נוסף

Rarity! Icon Wonder of finding of Okovetskaya (Rzhevskaya) icon of the Mother of God. First half of XIX century. Central Russia.
Wood, gesso, canvas, tempera, gold leaf. Face strips of wood on the back of an icon. Scholastic painting. Dimensions: 26х31 cm. Okovetskaya (Rzhevskaya) icon of the Mother of God are the two wonderworking icons: Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord and the Mother of God "Hodegetria" with the Child and the bystander Saint Nicholas, which were subsequently installed in a single icon case. The name of the icon comes from the place of its appearance — Okovtsy forest and Rzhev uyezd, within the boundaries of which the Okovtsy village eventually emerged. Okovetskaya icon of the Mother of God is known in Russia since XVI century. According to legend, the first to see the icon were two thieves who came to the woods to meet horse thieves. But they found an image of the Mother of God on a tree in the thicket, which frightened them greatly. Monk Stephen, having heard about the icon in the forest thicket, accompanied by peasants from nearby villages, went on May 6, 1539, to check the rumors that agitated the people. An iron cross was nailed to one pine tree, to another one - a small, antique icon of the Mother of God with the Child Jesus and Nicholas the Wonderworker. After finding the holy relic immediately showed miraculous ability to heal the blind, deaf, lame. At the end of 1540, the wonderworking icons were brought to Moscow, where they were greeted solemnly by Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the Metropolitan of Moscow and the entire convocation, first at the Novinsky Monastery, then at the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. After making the replica, the icon was returned to Rzhev. In 1930, the Okovetskiy church in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria", where the icons, that had appeared miraculously, were located at the time, was closed. The further fate of the Okovetskiye miraculous icons is unknown.
Day for the celebration: July 24
Panel is hard, without beetle, there are chips in the corners of the panel, losses of large fragments of gesso in the margins. Traces of nails, small losses of painting.
First half of XIX century. Central Russia.

稀有物品!天主之母圣像。奇迹获得的奥科夫齐(勒热夫)圣像。十九世纪上半叶。中俄罗斯。树,白底漆,保护 面料,水胶颜料,金箔。端面的木销。专业学校写作。尺寸:26х31厘米。
奥科夫齐(勒热夫)的圣母像-是两个奇迹般的圣像:主耶稣赐生命十字架圣树的起源,和上帝之母奥季吉特里亚 与孩子与在前面站的的圣尼古拉斯- 这两个圣像以后安装过一起在一个图标案例里面。圣像的名称来自其出现的地方 - 奥科夫齐森林和勒热夫区,随着时间的推移,奥科夫齐村在其边界内出现。自十六世纪以来,上帝之母的奥科夫齐 圣像在俄罗斯就广为人知。相传,最先看到这个圣像的是两个出现在森林里会见马贼的盗贼。但是在森林里,他们 看到一棵树上有上帝之母的形象,这让他们非常害怕。修士斯特凡听说了森林中的圣像,并在附近村庄的农民的陪 同下前去核实这些传言在1539年五月六号。他们看到了一棵松树上钉着一个铁十字架,另一棵松树上钉着一个 古老的圣母圣像与圣婴耶稣和奇迹创造者尼古拉斯。找到圣物后,圣像立即显出治愈瞎子,聋子,跛子的神通。1 540年底,这些神奇的圣物品被带到莫斯科,受到伊凡雷帝的隆重欢迎。莫斯科都主教和教堂里的所有人也见到 了这位圣像,先是在诺文斯基修道院,然后是在克里姆林宫的圣母升天大教堂。副本绘制完成后,此图标返回给了 勒热夫村。在1930 年奥科夫齐大教堂被关闭。奇迹般的奥科夫齐的圣像进一步命运不得而知。

  לפריט הקודם
לפריט הבא