Auction 11 Partea 1 "WHAT TO DO ?" Collectible painting, graphics, bronze.
De la Raskolnikov Gallery
Saint-Petersburg, Novgorodskaya, 23., Rusia
Feshin Nikolay, Moiseenko Yevsey, Baturin Alexander, Belaya Agata, Belyavsky Albert, Belyaeev Dmitry, Blinov Vladislav, Bogaevskaya Olga, Vaishlya Leonid, Gaev Alexander, Dozortsev Oleg, Dorovenko Sergey, Dudina Irina, Dyakova Nina, Zadorin Alexander, Zagonek Vyatsyacheslav , Zinshtein Aron, Kovalev Pavel, Krantz Vladimir, Krushelnitsky Fedor, Lomakin Oleg, Manyukov Oleg, Mikhailov Vyacheslav, Mikhnov-Voitenko Evgeniy, Penteshin Ivan, Podlyaskiy Yuri, Reikhet Victor, Skuin Elena, Smukrovich Petr, Timkov Nikolay, Khomenko Boris
Licitația a luat sfârșit

LOT 42:

Manyukov Oleg (1934-1981). "Soldier", 1970s, watercolor on paper, pencil, unsigned, slight bruises on the right and ...

Preț de început:
5,000 p
Comision casă de licitații: 15% Mai multe detalii

Manyukov Oleg (1934-1981). "Soldier", 1970s, watercolor on paper, pencil, unsigned, slight bruises on the right and top edges of the sheet, well preserved, from a private collection.
Received a classical education, graduated from the Demidov Art School (1954), where he studied with Evgenia Antipova and Viktor Teterin, Herzen University in the Kabachek workshop. He was friends with Mikhail Shemyakin and Boris Khomenko. By the end of his life he became a legend of the Leningrad underground, he had many followers, the most famous of his students was Yuliy Rybakov. In the 80s and 90s, his paintings were constantly exhibited in the foyer of the Leningrad cinemas "Khudozhestvenny", "Titan", "Colosseum". He died under unexplained circumstances, the causes of death were unsuccessfully investigated at the request of the deputy in 1991. Personal exhibitions of works by Oleg Manyukov were organized in the 1990s in France, Austria and Germany. The Roy Miles Gallery (London) sold his work. In November 2005, the All-Russian Museum of A.S. Pushkin presented an exhibition of works by O.G. Manyukov "Thirty Years Later".