拍卖会 24 第 2 阶段
Санкт-Петербург, Новгородская ул, 23., 俄罗斯
Alexander Alkhovsky, Victoria Belakovskaya, Dmitry Belyaev, Vasily Borisenko, Semyon Bely, Nikolai Boganov, Boris Borshch, Zlata Byzova, Leonid Vaishlya, Vladimir Vetrogonsky, Georgy Vetutnev, Alexander Volkov, Mikhlya Galkina-Borukhovich, Anatoly Getmansky, Mitrofan Grekov, Sergey Dorovenko, Mikhail Edomsky, Boris Edunov, Alexei Eremin, Alexander Zadorin, Vladimir Konashevich, Alexei Kravtsov, Vladimir Kranz, Fedor Krushelnitsky, Lada-Maria Kushakova, Sergei Lyakhovich, Oleg Manyukov, Vera Matyukh, Ivan Matvienko, Artur Molev, Alexander Nekrasov, Yuri Pavlov, Veniamin Pinchuk, Yuri Podlyasky, Alexander Savatyugin, Valentina Savelyeva, Khamid Savkuev, Elena Skuin, Vitold Smukrovich, Besik Solomonoshvili, Lev Solodkov, Yulia Sopina, Yuri Syrnev, GAV Traugot, Mikhail Trufanov, Nikolai Tyrsa, Albert Charkin, Vadim Stein, Elena Yanson -Manizer.

拍卖品 283:

(expertise, 1930s) Mitrofan Grekov. "On the Attack", 30.5x99.5 cm, paper on cardboard, mixed media, 1930s, good ...


100,000 p
拍卖行佣金: 17% 更多详细信息
20.4.22于 Raskolnikov Gallery

(expertise, 1930s) Mitrofan Grekov. "On the Attack", 30.5x99.5 cm, paper on cardboard, mixed media, 1930s, good condition. Expert opinion. Private collection.

Mitrofan Borisovich Grekov (1882-1934).

He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts under I. Repin and F. A. Rubo.

The most famous paintings: Trumpeters of the First Cavalry Army, Tachanka, Battle of Yegorlykskaya, Frozen Cossacks of General Pavlov. He headed the team creating the panorama "Storm of Perekop" (1934).

In 1966, the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, the Union of Artists of the USSR and the GPU of the SA and the Navy established the Grekov medal for the best works of fine art on a military-patriotic theme. From 1967 to 1991, one gold and three silver medals were awarded to them on Victory Day. Grekov.

