[1999] Valery Lukka. Figure on a yellow background, 1999, 100x65 cm, hardboard, oil, signed and dated by the author, collectible.
Lukka Valeriy Nikolayevich (1945) — khudozhnik, chlen Sankt-Peterburgskogo Soyuza khudozhnikov, chlen Sankt-Peterburgskoy akademii sovremennogo iskusstva, chlen Natsional'noy Assotsiatsii khudozhnikov Italii «ITALART», Chlen Sankt-Peterburgskoy Akademii sovremennogo iskusstva «SPASI». V 1977 okonchil Leningradskiy institut zhivopisi, skul'ptury i arkhitektury im. I.Ye.Repina. S 1978 uchastnik boleye dvukhsot vystavok v Rossii i za rubezhom. V kontse 1970-kh gg. vypuskniki Akademii khudozhestv Vyacheslav Mikhaylov i Valeriy Lukka vmeste s Feliksom Volosenkovym zayavili o sebe kak o tvorcheskoy gruppe, stremyashcheysya k poisku novykh sredstv vyrazitel'nosti. Dlya sozdaniya neobkhodimogo khudozhestvennogo effekta oni stali ispol'zovat' rel'yefnyye krasochnyye nasloyeniya. Issledovatelyam tvorchestva V.Lukki prinadlezhit neskol'ko paradoksal'naya kharakteristika yego manery — oni nazvali yego svoyeobraznyy, individual'nyy stil' «kontseptual'nym ekspressionizmom». Yego zhivopis' deystvitel'no otlichayetsya iskrennost'yu chasto, ne lishena ironii i polna tsitat iz klassicheskogo iskusstva. Proizvedeniya khudozhnika nakhodyatsya v muzeynykh i chastnykh sobraniyakh v Rossii i za rubezhom.
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Результаты перевода
Lucca Valery Nikolaevich (1945) - artist, member of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Contemporary Art, member of the National Association of Italian Artists "ITALART", Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Contemporary Art "SPASI". In 1977 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E.Repina. Since 1978, he has participated in more than two hundred exhibitions in Russia and abroad. At the end of the 1970s. graduates of the Academy of Arts Vyacheslav Mikhailov and Valery Lukka, together with Felix Volosenkov, declared themselves as a creative group striving to find new means of expression. To create the necessary artistic effect, they began to use relief colorful layers. Researchers of V. Lucca’s work have a somewhat paradoxical description of his style - they called his unique, individual style “conceptual expressionism.” His paintings are indeed often sincere, not devoid of irony and full of quotations from classical art. The artist's works are in museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.