Аукцион 6 Часть 2 Kodesh books, manuscripts, rabbinical letters, Judaica
13.4.16 (локальном времени Вашего часового пояса)
 Harav Maimon 2, Jerusalem
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ЛОТ 400:

Avodat Ha'Kodesh by the Hida - Poland, 1840 / Jerusalem, 1847 - Kabbalist Inscriptions

Продан за: $170
Стартовая цена:
$ 120
Комиссия аукционного дома: 19%
НДС: Только на комиссию

A. Sefer Avodat Ha'Kodesh by the Hida. Jerusalem 1847. S. Ha'Levi 40.
Avodat Ha'Kodesh by the Hida (Chaim Yosef David Azulai, 1724-1806). Jerusalem, Yisrael Beck Printing Press, 1847.
The book includes the following compositions: Moreh Ba'Etzba, Tziporen Shamir, Kesher Godel, Kaf Achat, Yosef Ba'Gader, Sansan Le'ya'ir, Shomer Yisrael. These compositions were included in the book "Avodat Ha'Kodesh" published in Jerusalem since 1841 and onwards. To this edition, the book "Le'David Emet" was added with a special title page, from page 113 and onwards, which includes the laws of the Torah scroll. To this book the completions "Torat Ha'Shlamim" were also added and single omissions from his book "Shem Ha'Gdolim".
[4], 168 pp. The following pages are missing: 163, 166-167.
15 cm.
Ancient ownership inscriptions in Sephardic handwriting of Rabbi [Raphael] Shem Tov Ha'Cohen.
Condition: Good. Original cover.
B. Sefer Avodat Ha'Kodesh Ha'Chadash by the Hida. [Russia-Poland, circa 1840]. Fake title page, with the enlarged word "Be'Yerushalayim".
Blue paper.
At the beginning of the book, a long inscription in ancient handwriting, the holy names according to the kabbala. Throughout the book, about ten glosses (addition of words) in ancient script.
[1], 16, 13-38 pp.
Condition: Good. New cover.