Subasta 26 Tiferet 26 - Rare and Special Items
Por Tiferet Auctions
Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, Israel

A special auction of rare items:

First editions of Hassidic Sefarim, Slavita-Zhitomir, letters by Tzaddikim and the greatest Hassidic Rabbis, the Geonim of Ashkenaz and Hungary, the greatest Rabbis of Lithuania, the greatest Poskim of previous generations, pedigreed copies, artifacts of renowned Tzaddikim, Satmar, Chabad and more.  

La subasta ha concluído

LOTE 40:

A leaf on Kabbalah handwritten by the author of 'Bas Eini' and 'Mevasser Tzeddek' the renowned holy Rav Rabbi ...

Precio inicial:
$ 800
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
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2.6.21 en Tiferet Auctions

A leaf on Kabbalah handwritten by the author of 'Bas Eini' and 'Mevasser Tzeddek' the renowned holy Rav Rabbi Yissachar Ber MiGeza Zvi Av Beis Din of Zlotchov and later of Safed, the leading disciple of Maran the holy Rav Rabbi Yechiel Michl of Zlotchov, on which he wrote Kavanos HaArizal from the Sefer 'Pri Etz Chaim' by Rabbi Chaim Vital. 1776.

The manuscript contains Kavanos for Sha'ar Kerias Shema, the eighth Sha'ar which he copied in his fine holy handwriting. 

64 lines handwritten by him. Many blemishes to the margins of the manuscript and part of the 2-3 lower lines is missing. 

The holy Rav Rabbi Yissachar Dov Ber was a childhood friend and cousin of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, whom he befriended when they lived together in Lobratov. Rabbi Yissachar Ber and Rabbi Levi Yitzchak were married to the cousins of the Peretz family of Lobratov (who were descendants of the exile of Spain). Rabbi Yissachar Ber married the daughter of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Peretz and Rabbi Levi Yitzchak married the daughter of Rabbi Yisroel Peretz of Lobratov. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak and his friend Rabbi Yissachar Ber got close to Chassidus following their relative Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Peretz (the author of "Beis Peretz"). 

Rabbi Yissachar Ber was eventually appointed Av Beis Din of Zlotchov and corresponded on halachic matters with the greatest of his generation. His disciples included Rabbi Chaim of Chernowitz author of "Sidduro shel Shabbas", who recalls in his Sefer "Eretz HaChaim" about the Ruach HaKodesh he saw in his Rav. Rabbi Yissachar ber immigrated to Eretz Yisroel and arrived in Tiberius on Hanukkah 1795. He passed away in Av of that year and was buried in Safed near the grave of the Holy Alsheich. Written on his tombstone: "Here lies the true Gaon Chassid and modest". Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Komarno said of him that he never even slightly blemished Tzelem Elokim. His Seforim include "Mevasser Tzeddek" on the Torah and "Bas Eini" Shut and Shas innovations. 

[1] sheet of paper, 23X19 cm. Good condition with considerable blemishes to the lower part. Enclosed is confirmation by an expert. 


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