Auktion 161
Von Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russland
Ленинградская школа (Моисеенко, Мыльников, Лебедев, Ветрогонский, Пахомов) — Советские академики, суровый стиль (Оссовский, Обросов, Никонов, Зверьков, Кугач, Ромас, Тутунов, Герасимов, Иогансон, Куприянов) — Русская и западноевропейская классика (Бурхардт, Капустин, Бенуа, Савицкий) — Стринг московских и ленинградских пейзажей — МОСХ (Ромодановская, Рыбченков, Сойфертис, Боим, Разумовская) — ЛФЗ — Плакаты — ДПИ, Портсигары — Нонконформизм — Ряд лотов без резервных цен. 
Die Auktion ist beendet

LOS 30:

Kayukov Leonid Leontyevich
Happy Bunny.

3 000 р
Geschätzter Preis :
3 000 р
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17% Nähere Details
Kennzeichen: Gemälde

Happy Bunny.
Year: 1994.
Technique: Gouache, watercolor, whitewash on paper.
Size: 18,2х25,2.

Kayukov Leonid Leontyevich (1938 - 2019)

Soviet and Russian film director, production designer, artist and screenwriter, book illustrator. In 1970 he graduated from the Moscow Polygraphic Institute, in 1972 - courses of cartoonists of the Crocodile magazine. In 1960-1999, he worked at the Soyuzmultfilm movie studio, first as an animator, and since 1972, as a director. He taught animation in Alma-Ata, Chisinau, St. Petersburg, Dresden and Moscow. In the mid-1990s, he was deputy director of production at Soyuzmultfilm, managed the Bear Rescue Service project, and until 1996 was a member of the Board of the Soyuzmultfilm Cinema Studio. Since 2000 - director of the Magic Lantern studio.