Leilão 162
Por Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Rússia
Советские академики (Остроумова-Лебедева, Бялыницкий-Бируля, Щербаков, Кугач, Налбандян, Бритов, Сысолятин, Никонов) — Русская и западноевропейская классика (Клевер, Серов, Бенуа, Добужинский, Бидструп) — Стринг московских и ленинградских пейзажей — МОСХ, ОСТ (Сойфертис, Обросов, Вялов, Цыплаков, Туржанский) — Книжная иллюстрация (Конашевич, Каневский) — ЛФЗ — Плакаты — Нонконформизм — Ряд лотов без резервных цен.
O leilão terminou


Antonchenko Anatoliy Antonovich
Happy New Year!

Preço inicial:
8 000 р
Preço estimado :
8 000 р - 15 000 р
Comissão da leiloeira: 17% Mais detalhes
identificações: Quadros

Happy New Year!
Year: 1958.
Technique: Poster.
Size: 66х45.

Antonchenko Anatoliy Antonovich (1912–1977).

Soviet artist, industrial graphic artist, poster artist. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. In the prewar years, he worked in the art team of advertising artists of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce under the leadership of S. D. Igumnov. After the war, Intourist produced a number of posters for the state joint-stock company (Visit the USSR, 1958). In the 50s and 70s, he collaborated with the Moscow publishing house IZOGIZ. The circulation cards and posters of A. A. Antonchenko are kept in the collections of the Russian State Library (RSL), the National Library of Belarus, and in Russian and Western private collections.