Von Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russland
Старинные гравюры, литографии, иконы, фотографии -Мир искусства, СРХ-Русская и советская живопись-Фарфор и шкатулки СССР, нонконформизм-Книги и альбомы.
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LOS 33:

Kokorekin Aleksey Alekseevich
Glory to the Soviet artillery!

1 000 р
Geschätzter Preis :
1 000 р - 10 000 р
Auktionshaus-Provision: 15% Nähere Details

Glory to the Soviet artillery!
Year: 1952.
Technique: Poster.
Size: 89х58.

Kokorekin Aleksey Alekseevich (1906—1959).

The Soviet schedule. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1956). Laureate of two Stalin Prizes (1946, 1949). He performed thematic pictures, illustrations, landscapes. Known mainly as a poster artist. In his political posters he embodied the courageous, strong-willed characters of Soviet people, appealed to large-scale images and picturesque (sometimes close to easel) color solutions. In 1941-1943 he was an artist of the Military Publishing House at the PU of the Red Army, and since 1943 he was a WWII veteran named after MB Grekov. Participated in the release of the TASS windows.