Auktion КАНИКУЛЫ/VACATION 165 Russian, Soviet art. Non-conformism. Decorative art, photos. Archives B. Iofan O. Lepeshinskaya
Von Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russland

Русская живопись и графика. Передвижники. Мир искусств и СРХ. Орловский, Кустодиев, Анненков, Бенуа, Добужинский, Тихменев, Лансере. Иконы и гарднер. Плакаты и графика 20-30х годов. ОСТ, Кукрыниксы, Советская и современная живопись и графика, иллюстрации. Редкости и Архивы Б. Иофана и О. Лепешинской. Фотографии Е. Халдея. Советская бронза, фарфор, шкатулки. Нонконформизм, В. Пивоваров, Э. Неизвестный, Д. Краснопевцев, Н. Нестерова. Д. Намдаков. Современные художники.
Выставка открыта с 20 по 31 мая. Торги 1 июня в 19.00. В помещении АД Совком. Москва ул Щепкина 28.
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LOS 12:

Bruni Tatiana Georgievna
Costume design of a German for the ballet of I.I. ...

30 000 р
Geschätzter Preis :
30 000p - 60 000p
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17% Nähere Details

Costume design of a German for the ballet of I.I. Schwartz "On the Eve", script by A.A Belinsky, based on the novel by I.S., Turgenev. Leningrad Maly Theater.
Technique: Gouache on paper.
Size: 26,8х18,8.

In the upper right corner there is an inscription "German". Signature, date and title on the back.

Bruni Tatiana Georgievna (1902, Saint Petersburg – 2001, Saint Petersburg).

Theater artist, set designer, graphic artist and teacher. Honored artist of the RSFSR, winner of the state Prize of the USSR. Granddaughter of the architect and painter Yu. f. Bruni, great-granddaughter of the artist F. A. Bruni. She studied at the Drawing school of the society for the encouragement of arts (1918-1920) with A. R. Eberling, then at the Petrograd free art workshops Higher art and technical workshops (1920-1926) with O. E. Braz, N. E. Radlov, V. I. Belyaev, A. L. Vakhrameev, K. S. Petrov-Vodkin. The works are in the the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian State museum, the state Central theater Museum named after A. A. Bakhrushin, the Museum of the Mariinsky theater, as well as private collections in Russia and abroad.