Auktion КАНИКУЛЫ/VACATION 165 Russian, Soviet art. Non-conformism. Decorative art, photos. Archives B. Iofan O. Lepeshinskaya
Von Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russland

Русская живопись и графика. Передвижники. Мир искусств и СРХ. Орловский, Кустодиев, Анненков, Бенуа, Добужинский, Тихменев, Лансере. Иконы и гарднер. Плакаты и графика 20-30х годов. ОСТ, Кукрыниксы, Советская и современная живопись и графика, иллюстрации. Редкости и Архивы Б. Иофана и О. Лепешинской. Фотографии Е. Халдея. Советская бронза, фарфор, шкатулки. Нонконформизм, В. Пивоваров, Э. Неизвестный, Д. Краснопевцев, Н. Нестерова. Д. Намдаков. Современные художники.
Выставка открыта с 20 по 31 мая. Торги 1 июня в 19.00. В помещении АД Совком. Москва ул Щепкина 28.
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LOS 24:

Voloshin Maksimilian Aleksandrovich
With ebony.

200 000 р
Geschätzter Preis :
200 000p - 400 000p
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17% Nähere Details

With ebony.
Year: 1926 .
Technique: Watercolour on paper.
Size: 16,5х25,3 (в свету).

Date and author's inscription along the bottom edge.

Voloshin Maksimilian Aleksandrovich (1877, Kiev – 1932, Koktebel).

He was a Symbolist poet, critic, essay writer, artist, one of the most iconic figures of the Russian Silver Age. During his visits to Paris, he attended lectures at the Sorbonne, studied in the Louvre and in libraries. He also traveled in Spain, Italy, and Bolearic islands. Voloshin was strongly influenced by his first wife, an artist M. Sabashnikova, passionately involved with the occultism and theosophy. He lived in a small estate in Koktebel (Crimea). Being a true art nouveau artist, he was interested in problems of the synthesis of arts, and accompanied his literary and philosophical studies with painting. Water-colours of Crimean landscapes form a lager part of his artistic heritage. He wrote articles on new art, reports of Paris exhibitions, books reviews, lectured on literature and art in Feodosia and Kerch. M. Voloshin’s paintings are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, M.A. Voloshin’s House Museum in Koktebel, and in many private collections.