Auktion КАНИКУЛЫ/VACATION 165 Russian, Soviet art. Non-conformism. Decorative art, photos. Archives B. Iofan O. Lepeshinskaya
Von Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russland

Русская живопись и графика. Передвижники. Мир искусств и СРХ. Орловский, Кустодиев, Анненков, Бенуа, Добужинский, Тихменев, Лансере. Иконы и гарднер. Плакаты и графика 20-30х годов. ОСТ, Кукрыниксы, Советская и современная живопись и графика, иллюстрации. Редкости и Архивы Б. Иофана и О. Лепешинской. Фотографии Е. Халдея. Советская бронза, фарфор, шкатулки. Нонконформизм, В. Пивоваров, Э. Неизвестный, Д. Краснопевцев, Н. Нестерова. Д. Намдаков. Современные художники.
Выставка открыта с 20 по 31 мая. Торги 1 июня в 19.00. В помещении АД Совком. Москва ул Щепкина 28.
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LOS 33:

Tekhmenyev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
Deers in the forest.

100 000 р
Geschätzter Preis :
100 000p - 200 000p
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17% Nähere Details

Deers in the forest.
Year: Late 19th - first half of the 20th centuries.
Technique: Oil on canvas.
Size: 24,4х33,6.

Signed lower left. Expertise of NINE named after P.M. Tretyakov.

Tekhmenyev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (1869, Sumy, Kharkov Guberniya -1934).

Russian painter and graphical artists. Since 1891 - a non-credit student in the Academy of Arts (military painting school). As early as at this time Tekhmenyev got really fond of hunting with hounds and guns, this lately became his major subject in his numerous paintings and graphical artworks. Regularly took part in the Autumn exhibitions in St. Petersburg during 1900-s – 1910-s. During 1928-1934 lives in Orenburg. His artworks are in collections of the Orenburg Museum of Fine Arts and the Irkutsk Regional Museum of Arts.