Auktion 176
Von Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Russland
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LOS 15:

Maguidson Ariadna Solomonovna
Decorating a sports event.

200 000 р
Geschätzter Preis :
200 000p - 400 000p
Auktionshaus-Provision: 17% Nähere Details
Kennzeichen: Gemälde

Decorating a sports event.
Year: 1930s.
Technique: Watercolour on paper.
Size: 49,5х92.

Maguidson Ariadna Solomonovna (1906, Moscow – 1981, Moscow).

Studied at the VhUTEMAS-VHUTEIN State Arts Institute at the painting and Design Faculties under P.P. Konchalovsky, I.M. Rabinovich, F.F. Kondratieva, V.D. Buchen and V.G. Sakhnovsky. Passed the practical studies at the scenery studios of the Bolshoi Theater. Member of AHRR/ In the 1930’th was working at the mass theatrical manifestations, demonstrations and city designing team. In co-authorship with her husband Yu. Chukin and A. Kuznetsova wrote the book “Holidays and working days designing” (M. 1934). As an easel painter she made preferably landscapes and still-life in oil and water-color. Was greatly impressed by travel on the route Baikal-Buryatia-Mongolia-Vladivostok and acquaintance with Buddhist, lamaist and Chinese cultures. The works of Maguidson are kept in the Tretyakov State Gallery, the Bakhrushin State Central Theater Museum and in the museums of Saratov, Kirov and Kaluga.