Por Sovcom
МОСКВА, УЛ. ЩЕПКИНА, Д. 28, Rússia
O leilão terminou

LOTE 48:

Vladimirov Vladimir Mikhailovich
To new residents - early!

Preço inicial:
10 000 р
Preço estimado :
10 000p - 20 000p
Comissão da leiloeira: 17% Mais detalhes
30.5.24 em Sovcom

To new residents - early!
Year: 1961.
Technique: Poster.
Size: 83х56,3.


Vladimirov Vladimir Mikhailovich (1886, Vladimir province – 1969, Moscow).

He studied at the Stroganov School, where N. Sergeev, N. Andreev, S. Vinogradov, D. Sherbilovsky were his teachers. He graduated the school’s sculpture department, qualified as a learned draughtsman. He continued his training at the architectural department of the Institute of Civic Engineers. He visited ancient Russian cities, making sketches and photographs of architectural monuments. Already working as an architect, he entered the Higher Art and Technical Studios (VHUTEMAS), where studied in the studios of A.A. Kuprin, I.I. Mashkov, R.R. Falk. The artist had one-man shows in St. Petersburg in 1916 (in the Institute of Civic Engineers), in Moscow 1956, 1974, 1987, and in 1998, and also in Vladimir in 1988. Vladimirov’s works participated in the Third Festival of Slavic Arts in Paris, were exhibited in the Russian Cultural Centre in Paris. The artist’s works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, in the Russian Art Foundation, Museum of History and Reconstruction of Moscow, Savitsky State Museum in Nukus (Karakalpakstan), in the State Vladimir and Suzdal Museum Preserve, as well as in private collections in Russia and France.