拍卖会 47 第 2 阶段
由 The Arc 举行
3 Taras Shevchenko embankment, 俄罗斯
Поэтические книги, автографы, миниатюры, мировая классика на русском языке. 

拍卖品 626:

Two last lifetime books by Sergei Klychkov with his comments and marginalia of 1933.

20,000 р
拍卖行佣金: 10% 更多详细信息
7.6.20于 The Arc

Two last lifetime books by Sergei Klychkov with his comments and marginalia of 1933.
1. Klychkov S. Visiting cranes. Cover By Boris Titov. Moscow Federation. 1930 103 p The binding is cardboard. 12.5 x 17 cm. With the author's edit. The copy was written off from the funds Of the Gorky Institute of literature of the CEC of the USSR. 

2. Klychkov S. Sugar German. The Artist George Fischer. M. Soviet literature. 1934, p. 309 Hard cover. 12.5 x 17 cm. The spine is damaged. ( the book is not listed in the bibliography of S. Klychkov in WIKIPEDIA. 

Marginalia Of S. Klychkov.

"The question is why for these poems I was mixed with dirt. SK. "

"The eighth pokudova is being prepared. SK. April 1933 "

"S. Yesenin ". Captured by the editors dedication to the fight against the "estensioni".