Vente 50 Partie 2 The artist and the book. Children's illustrated publications.
Par The Arc
Naberezhnaya Tarasa Shevchenko, d. 3, Russie
Monographs about painting and artists, some surprisingly rare children's books. The most interesting thing is at the end of the auction.
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LOT 1498:

Filonov and his school. Filonov und seine Schule. Album-catalogue. Album in Russian and German. Compiled by E. ...

Prix de départ:
2 000 р
Commission de la maison de ventes: 10% Plus de détails

Filonov and his school. Filonov und seine Schule. Album-catalogue. Album in Russian and German. Compiled by E. Petrova and Y. Harten.
Dusseldorf. City Museum of art, 1990, 344 p., Fig. Softcover, size: 22 x 27 cm. Excellent condition.
Pavel Nikolayevich Filonov (January 8, 1883, Moscow, Russian Empire — December 3, 1941, Leningrad, USSR) was a Russian and Soviet artist (artist — researcher, as he officially called himself), poet, one of the leaders of the Russian avant−garde; the founder, theorist, practitioner and teacher of analytical art — a unique reforming direction of painting and graphics of the first half of the XX century, which had a noticeable influence on the creative minds of many artists and writers of modern times. Pavel Filonov's work, which is being rediscovered today, occupies a unique place not only in the Russian, but also in the world's artistic avant - garde-there are no analogies for it. Filonov's achievements-widely recognized today-were of global significance. The artist's focus is always on the person, his inner world, and complex spiritual States. What is invisible in this world, he seeks to make visible.