Asta 56 Parte 1
Da The Arc
Moscow, embankment of Taras Shevchenko, d. 3, Russia
Books, open letters, engravings, etchings, posters, photographs, autographs, signs and medals.
L'asta è terminata


Souvenirs de Kertsch et chronologie du royaume de Bosphore.

Prezzo iniziale:
26 000 р
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20% Altri dettagli

Souvenirs de Kertsch et chronologie du royaume de Bosphore.
Saint Petersburg, chez Fd.Bellizard Co. 1849 [VI], 130, II p., Pl. I-VIII [color inserts under tracing paper].
Hard combined owner's binding [leather, lederine] with preservation of the publishing cover, decorated cut-off, encyclopedic format 25.5 x 33 cm.
Very good condition: puncture the top lid of the cover and first 50 pages of the block, worn cover, missing free endpapers sheet, the cover in the upper right corner of the inscription in French signed by author [clipped together with a block under the back cover], stamps, tracing the lost one, minor Fox spots and spills, isolated pencil marks in the margins.
Publishing in the French language.

[Pierre Justin Sabatier (1792-1869) was a French numismatist. 
He served in the Napoleonic army; after the fall of the Empire, participated in a plot to restore it; was sentenced to death, but escaped; lived in Holland, then in Russia, where, under the leadership of Reichel, he took up numismatics.
The Russian period of Sabatier's work includes the works of:
- Iconography of a collection of five thousand Roman, Byzantine and celtiberian medals (FR. Iconographie d'une collection choisi de cinq mille médailles Romaines, Byzantines et Celtibériennes). — St. Petersburg, 1847; 2nd ed. — Paris, 1856.
- Kerch finds and chronology of the Bosporan Kingdom (French Souvenirs de Kertsch et chronologie du royaume de Bosphore). — St. Petersburg, 1849.
- Production of gold, silver and copper from the Ancients and mints of the Roman and Byzantine empires (French production de l'or, de l'argent et du cuivre chez les Anciens et Hôtels monétaires des empires Romain et Byzantin). — St. Petersburg, 1850 (together with his son).
- Sabatier P. P. Kerch and Bosporus : Remarks on the Kerch antiquities and experience of the chronology of the Kingdom of Bosporus. — SPb.: a dependent Archaeology. o-VA, 1851. — 147 p.
Among Sabatier's later works, "a General description of Byzantine coins minted under the Eastern emperors from Arcadia to the capture of Constantinople by Mehmet II" (French: "Description generale des monnaies byzantines frappées sous les empereurs d'orient depuis Arcadius jusq'a la prise de Constantinople par Mahomet II"; Paris—London, 1862, in 2 volumes, reprinted in 1930 in Leipzig).
Sabatier's collection of Byzantine coins is located in the Hermitage.]