Leilão 52 Parte 2 Theater, ballet, music, cinema, architecture
Por The Arc
The embankment of Taras Shevchnko. 3, Rússia
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LOTE 1482:

Art and Art industry № 7, 8 in 1899 . In a single bound.

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3 000 р
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23.8.20 em The Arc
identificações: Livros Quadros

Art and Art industry № 7, 8 in 1899 . In a single bound.
St. Petersburg, 1899. 6 p., 515-621 p., 1 p., VIII, 621 - 717 p. printing Partnership `Public benefit`. Illustrated edition. Hard proprietary binding, 25 x 34 cm. Breaks into notebooks, split block.

"Art and the art industry" — the illustrated art magazine published by Society of encouragement of arts (OPH) in St. Petersburg in 1898-1903. The magazine promoted Peredvizhnichestvo, led the controversy with the magazine "World of art". The short-lived magazine left a noticeable mark in art journalism. On its pages published articles by famous critics, art critics and artists. The chronicle published in the journal, which contained announcements of exhibitions in Russia and abroad, is a valuable source for studying the artistic life of the late 1890s-early 1900.