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拍卖品 38:

Materials on the archeology of the Eastern provinces of Russia, collected and published by the Imperial Moscow ...


2,800 р
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30.5.21于 The Arc

Materials on the archeology of the Eastern provinces of Russia, collected and published by the Imperial Moscow archaeological society at the highest endowment. Issue II.
Edited by gr. Uvarova. With 201 zincography, 24 tables and 1 map-Moscow: Printing house of M. G. Volchaninov 1896 [2], II, [2], 261 p., 24 l.Fig., 1 SKL.l. maps. Publisher's cover, large format 35 x 26 cm. Good condition. Slight loss of the spine, scuffing and yellowing of the cover at the edges.

Richly illustrated archaeological edition: with drawings and diagrams in the text and phototypes on separate sheets. A large map of Glazovsky uyezd of Vyatka province has been saved on a folding sheet. The book is in the publisher's cover with the original spine preserved. The Collection contains articles devoted to various archaeological cultures and objects, including an article about pottery production, the stone age of the Minusinsk region, and other CONTENTS. From the editor. - Claire O. E., Faddeev. Pottery production of prehistoric man in the settlement near the village of Palkino, on the river. Iset's. - Pervukhin N. G. Experience of archaeological research of the Glazovsky uyezd of the Vyatka province (Introduction, General remarks about settlements and their research, Settlements lying in the basin of the right Bank of the Cheptsy river, other settlements). - Editorial note. - Pervukhin N. G. In the footsteps of Chudy. At the upper reaches of the Kama river. - Pervukhin N. G. a Brief sketch of Cemeteries found in Glazovsky uyezd. - Savenkov I. T. Stone age in the Minusinsk region (Brief descriptions of areas where stone tools and other monuments of primitive culture were found, Description of stone tools, pottery, Final conclusions).

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