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Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire. First Meeting: from 1649 to December 12, 1825 Volume XIV. 1754-1757.
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Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire. First Meeting: from 1649 to December 12, 1825 Volume XIV. 1754-1757.
St. Petersburg. Printing House of the Second Branch Of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery, 1830. - 864, 130, [2] c. Hardcover; encyclopedic format (25 x 30 x 7.5 cm). Worn binding; complete loss of the leather part of the spine; rare temporary and household stains on the pages; traces of moisture on the outer edge of the block and on the side of the spine on the last 20 sheets; stamps.
[The Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire (PSZRI) is the most complete collection of legislative acts of the Russian Empire, arranged in chronological order.
The collection is now considered a monumental monument of Russian law. The force and effect of the laws of the Russian Empire published in the complete collection extended to the entire structure of state and public life. The complete collection of laws should not be confused with the Code of Laws — a 16-volume edition in which many laws (with the preservation of the text of each separate paragraph) were compiled into a kind of codes, that is, they were presented in a systematic, rather than chronological order.
The compilation of the Complete Collection of laws was caused by the codification works of Emperor Nicholas I. Before proceeding to the publication of a set of laws in force, it was necessary to have a Complete collection of laws, the absence of which so paralyzed the codification works of previous reigns, when not only private individuals, but even government places were often in the dark about the composition of the content of the current law.
The publication of the Complete Collection of Laws was entrusted in 1826 to the Second Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery. The colossal codification work was headed by M. M. Speransky. The Full Collection of Laws was to include all the repealed and current laws issued since 1649, as well as court decisions for the same period that were of fundamental importance.
The work on the compilation lasted four years (from April 25 [May 7], 1826 to April 1 [13], 1830), and in 1830 the first Complete Collection of Laws (I complete Collection of laws) was published for the period from 1649 to December 12, 1825-from the Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to the end of the reign of Alexander I (45 volumes). It includes 30920 acts, detailed chronological and subject indexes.
The second collection (II complete collection of laws) was issued annually in 1830-1884, contains more than 60 thousand legislative acts from December 12, 1825 to February 28, 1881, covers the reigns of Nicholas I and Alexander II (55 volumes and indexes).
The third collection (III complete collection of laws) was published annually until 1916, includes more than 40 thousand legislative acts from March 1, 1881 to the end of 1913 - the reign of Alexander III and Nicholas II (33 volumes).
The acts within each of the three assemblies had a continuous five-digit numbering. Each collection consisted of two parts: the first contained the actual texts, and the second contained various types of attached tabular materials (states, report cards, financial murals), drawings and drawings. At the end of each meeting there was a subject index.
The complete collection of laws for each individual year was usually issued three years later. For the rapid publication of the legislation, a periodical was intended — a Collection of legalizations and orders of the government.]
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