Part 1 - all about Moscow.
LOT 76
" ...because the village of Oatmeal is not Moscow, to which you can adjust anything, even a box can be placed in the Kremlin... " wrote Viktor Astafyev 53 years ago.
LOT 396
"A lot of people were killed on the streets of Moscow and now there are conversations and disputes everywhere about who is more right - the authorities shooting people, or the" strikers " - workers?
Николаева Т. Православная Москва. Справочник монастырей и храмов.
Николаева Т. Православная Москва. Справочник монастырей и храмов.
М. Издательство Московского патриархата. 2001 г. 300 с. Мягкий переплет. 16 х 23 см. Хорошее состояние.
История соборов Кремля, монастырей и подворий, приходских храмов и часовен.