Auktion 114 часть 3
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LOS 354:

Lithograph. Moulins and Saint-Pourçain. Facsimile of the mid-19th century with engravings of the "Herbalist ...

1 000 р
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Kennzeichen: Gemälde Poster

Lithograph. Moulins and Saint-Pourçain. Facsimile of the mid-19th century with engravings of the "Herbalist Guillaume de revel".
France, Moulins. Royal Library, mid-19th century. Two engravings on one sheet; size 49.5 x 32 cm. the Sheet is worn and yellowed around the perimeter; rare temporary spots; a trace of moisture on the upper edge; the sheet was folded in half; in the lower right corner of the printer's Congreve: "P. A. Desrosters fils a Mouline. L`ancien Bourbonnais.".

In the upper field of the sheet - Moulin.
The history of the city of Moulin is closely linked to the history of the Dukes de Bourbon, as Moulin, since 1327, became the capital of the Duchy and dependent territories. This situation lasted until 1523, when the treason of the Bourbon Duke Charles III, known as the constable de Bourbon, occurred.
The fame of Moulin and the power of the Ducal family reached its peak in the era of Pierre II, under the patronage of his wife Anne of France, who was the daughter of king Louis XI. Moreover, this growth was not prevented by the plague epidemic that plagued the city from the end of the XV century to the middle of the XVI century. The city was created by the famous triptych Alanskogo the wizard, the Duchess ordered to renovate the North wing of the Ducal Palace (now the pavilion of Anne French), was the book Les enseignements d'anne de France à sa fille Suzanne de Bourbon (Teachings of Anne French to his daughter, Suzanne of Bourbon). The administration of the Duchy, renewed and reorganized, consisted of about 1,650 officials in Moulins alone. In 1494, king Charles VIII went to conquer the Kingdom of Naples and during his stay outside of France entrusted the management of France and the Royal court to the Duke, who received the title of Lieutenant General of the French Kingdom (temporary Deputy of the king of France lieutenant-général du royaume. Pierre II did not move to Paris, but stayed in Moulins, where the Royal family temporarily moved, and Moulins thus became for a time the "de facto" capital of the state. The Duke returned power to the king in 1495 in Lyon. In 1503, the Duke died.

In the lower field is Saint-Pourcin.

These facsimiles, created by drawing the original through transparent paper and then engraving on metal or wood and lithographing, are one of the few reproductions of revel's engravings outside of the Herbarium.
["L'armorial d'auvergne" de Guillaume Revel is a common handwritten coat of arms of the nobles of the provinces of Auvergne, Bourbonnais and Forez, created in the middle of the XV century for Charles I de Bourbon, Duke of Bourbon and Auvergne, count of Forez and others (1401-1456). 
The original manuscript on parchment in large format in-4°, unfinished, consists of 253 leaves and is in the national library of France under the symbol Fr. 22297; there are several old partial copies. 
Under the direction of Wilhelm revel, several draftsmen made field notes and research before the drawings were handed over to the workshop, so this is a collective effort. 
This is not only about the image of the coats of arms and shields of the lords who owned the fiefdoms of the Dukes of Bourbon, but also about the heads of these seigneurs with castles drawn in their urban and natural environment, with landscapes and rural residents. 
Images of buildings and landscapes are considered quite realistic, despite the application of certain conventions, such as excessive resizing of stately buildings or some symbolic elements that were given special attention. Thus, the herbarium is a source of great value for knowledge about urban buildings and ensembles of the late middle ages, especially for those that disappeared or changed greatly in the following centuries.]