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Bulletin of Knowledge No. 1-12, 1904. Monthly illustrated literary and popular scientific journal with applications ...

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26.2.23 em The Arc

Bulletin of Knowledge No. 1-12, 1904. Monthly illustrated literary and popular scientific journal with applications for self-education.
with Petersburg. Typography T-VA folk Use. 1904. 248, 248, 240, 280, 216, 240, 224, 232, 200, 216, 200, 215 C. Hardcover, 16.5 x 24 cm. Scuff bindings, partial loss, tearing of the roots. The unit is strong, inside the book in excellent condition.

During the period of the Russian Empire, the journal "Vestnik znaniya" was published in St. Petersburg from 1903 to 1918. Its editor-publisher was V. V. Bitner, who created the publishing house of the same name in 1902. On January 14, 1902 the staff-captain of the artillery reserve V. V. Bitner appealed to the General Directorate for press Affairs with a petition for the publication in St. Petersburg of the periodic body "people's University". In the repeated petition of March 28, "monthly scientific and literary journal for self-education" was renamed " Bulletin of knowledge»; items not previously approved by the censor were deleted from the program: "monthly review of outstanding events in modern public state and literary life", "trifles and malice of the day", "notes and reports from the province". On may 22, 1902, the magazine was approved on the register, but a week later it was denied the right to publish the "Bulletin of knowledge", because it was discovered that Bitner participated in a student demonstration. Not having received negative feedback about his personality from the General artillery Department, on August 3, 1902 the General Directorate for press Affairs summoned Bitner for explanations, after which the magazine was allowed and on August 16 the program of the "Bulletin of knowledge" was approved by the Minister of internal Affairs V. K. Plehve.

In the first issue it was stated that the editors aimed to spread knowledge as the main guarantee of progress and welfare of the people. Initially, the magazine had 900 subscribers, by the end of the year their number increased to 3000, but due to commercial inexperience V. V. Bitner suffered 70 thousand rubles loss.

Despite the purely educational program, the magazine objectively revealed the plight of the masses. For example, the statistical material given in the article "on the state painting for 1903" (1903, No. 1) showed how the peasantry is ruined under the burden of taxes. The magazine rejected racist theories about inferior Nations, attributing the low level of culture of certain peoples to their living conditions.

The journal contained popular articles on scientific topics, scientific chronicle, was an extensive Department of bibliography.