Asta 16 Tiferet 16 - Special Rare Sale
Da Tiferet Auctions
Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, Israele
Unique Auction of Judaica and Rare Artifacts from Tzadikim, including: The signature of the holy 'Taz' [Rabbi David ha-Levi Segal], a letter from Rabbi Shalom Yosef of Sadigura – the oldest son of the 'Tiferet Yisrael' of Rouzin, Religious Artifacts from Tzadikim from previous generations, items for Segulah and Protection, letters of great rabbinic leaders, Correspondents from the students of the holy 'Chatam Sofer', fundamental books, and much more.
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Page of segulot and mystical deeds, and ways of refining and turning simple metal to gold, personally hand written ...

Venduto per: $30 000
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 30 000
Prezzo stimato :
$40 000 - $50 000
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
Gli utenti stranieri potrebbero essere esentati dal pagamento delle tasse, secondo il regime fiscale vigente.
23.6.20 in Tiferet Auctions

Page of segulot and mystical deeds, and ways of refining and turning simple metal to gold, personally hand written by the holy Mekubal Rabbi Chaim Vital
Two pages, more than 160 condensed rows!! Personally hand written by the holy Rabbi Chaim Vital prominent disciple of the Ari HaKadosh, who acquired and transmitted his Torah of Kabbalah. Dealing with actual mystical deeds, in chemistry and research experiments, and among them the proper way to process simple and cheap metal and turning them to expensive and refined gold. 
The manuscript here from the holy Rabbi Chaim Vital, written in Rashi lettering, segulot and different matter and refining gold, as he personally wrote: ענין מעשה צירוף הזהב האמתי שעושין ממנו כנודע שמצרפין אותו בתכלית הזיקוק ותחלה נבאר אופן המלאכה בעצמה ואחר כך נבאר ענין הסמים הצריכין לסגולה זו כי שמעתי וראיתי בה נוסחאות מחולפות וזה ענינו... 

On the side of the page, notations and correction hand written by Rabbi Shamuel Vital, son of the holy Rabbi Chaim Vital, enlightens and explains how to look and make a receptacle the oven in which the metals are refined turning them to gold. This notations is 3 long lines, and very rare.

In the wisdom of Kabbalah, it is very important to know to practice the knowledge of chemistry. This is the material theory and foundation of nature, taking apart and processing to other substances. This is seen in the study of chemistry an important part in the creation of the world, according to the hidden Torah, and for healing and segulot. Many of these segulot, are based on refining materials and attaching them in different ways. 
For many years, the manuscripts of Rabbi Chaim Vital were concealed and hidden, vanished and disappeared, a small segments where revealed, but most of his sefer of segulot and healing was not known. Recently they have been printed.
This page here written on both sides, in two columns with Rashi lettering clean and clear from corrections, about 40 lines on each column. One long notation from his son Rabbi Shamuel Vital. Attached professional certificate.
[1] page. 19 cm. Light stains, taped at the bottom margins. Very good condition.