Asta 17 Zitamir Slavita - Part 2
Da Tiferet Auctions
Shenhav Building, 12 Beit Hadfus st , B, Jerusalem, Israele

An important Auction!

Valuable books from the 'Wolf Collection', all printed in the well known Hasidic printing house of Rabbi Moshe Shapira and his sons in Slavita and Zitamir.

The auctionwill will take place on Monday, Tammuz 16th, 6/7/20, at 21:30, Israel Time.

The collection includes extremely important, rare books and privileged copies. Most of the details are in excellent condition and even new.

Few of the books in this collection are suitable for collectors, who seek to  complete  and repair their own collection.

"וִיסַלְּדוּ בְחִילָה פָּנֶיךָ. וִיעַטְּרוּךָ נֵזֶר תִּפְאָרָה"

Altri dettagli
L'asta è terminata


Very rare! Sefer 'Layesharim Tehilah' by the Holy 'Ramchal', Shapiro Brothers Press. Zhytomyr 1858.

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 1 500
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
Gli utenti stranieri potrebbero essere esentati dal pagamento delle tasse, secondo il regime fiscale vigente.
6.7.20 in Tiferet Auctions

Very rare! Sefer 'Layesharim Tehilah' by the Holy 'Ramchal', Shapiro Brothers Press. Zhytomyr 1858.

Very Rare! Sefer 'Layesharim Tehilah'. Poems and piyutim by the Holy Ramchal - Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato, composed in honor of a Chatan and Kallah. Two title pages, including very rare cover-page. Shapiro Brothers Press. Zhytomyr 1858.

Various ownership listings: The Gaon Rabbi Benzion Rosen and Menachem Mendel Kleiman of Kryve-Ozero is an urban-type settlement in the northwest of Mykolaiv Oblast, Ukraine. known by the Jews as Kryvazer.

12, 73, pages. 15.5 cm. Few stains. Good condition, almost new.