拍卖会 18 Tiferet 18 - Special Rare Sale
Shenhav Building, Beit Hadfus st , Jerusalem, 以色列

Unique Auction of Judaica and Rare Artifacts from Tzadikim, including:

Archives of the descendants of 'Tiferet Yisrael' of Rouzin, Religious Artifacts from Tzadikim from previous generations, Items for Segulah and Protection, letters of great rabbinic leaders, Correspondents from the students of the holy 'Chatam Sofer', fundamental books, and much more.


拍卖品 50:

Holy hand written response from Rabbi Shimon Sofer the 'Hisorerot Teshuva' of Ehrlo, written on a lengthy letter ...


$ 2,500
拍卖行佣金: 23%
增值税: 18% 仅对佣金收取
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7.9.20于 Tiferet Auctions

Holy hand written response from Rabbi Shimon Sofer the 'Hisorerot Teshuva' of Ehrlo, written on a lengthy letter from the righteous Rabbi Yisrael Weltz abd Budapest, in which he writes the customs and piskei Halacha of his father the 'Ketav Sofer'. Tornal'a 1913.
Hand written letter from the holy gaon Rabbi Shimon Sofer author of 'Hisorerot Teshuva' of Ehrlo, response on the letter from the holy righteous Rabbi Yisrael Weltz abd Budapest, in which are the customs of the Ketav Sofer and Halacha responses. Tornal'a 1913.

The righteous Rabbi Yisrael Weltz abd Budapest, wrote in the letter Halacha, and Minhagaim, to his Rebbe and friend the holy gaon Rabbi Shimon Sofer author of Hisorerot Teshuva of Ehrlo בעניין ישיבה בקידוש בליל שבת קודש או בעמידה, בעניין בציעת הפת והוצאת המסובים בידי בעל הבית והמסתעף.
The letter is all handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yisrael Weltz abd Budapest from righteous of the generation, sent from the city of Tornal'a where his father-in-law, the Rav Rabbi Chaim Ephrayim Balaiti, lived.
The holy gaon Rabbi Shimon Sofer son of Moron 'Ketav Sofer' and grandson of the holy Moron 'Chatam Sofer' personally wrote on the letter lengthy notations, in-between bringing holy customs from the holy home of Moron Ketav Sofer of Pressburg, and his father the holy Moron Chatam Sofer. The letter is signed with his holy signature.

The righteous gaon Rabbi Yisrael Weltz abd Budapest (1887-1974), disciple of the 'Yalkut Sofer' and 'Daas Sofer' the holy gaon Rabbi Akiva Sofer of Pressburg. After WWI, he was Rav in Pest part of the city of Budapest, founded a Yeshiva there and was from great Hungarian Rabbanim. After the Holocaust he immigrated to Jerusalem, lived in the Shikun HaRabbanim and was from prominent Rabbanim there.

The gaon 'Hisorerot Teshuva' Rabbi Shimon Sofer of Ehrlo (1850-1944), grandson of the holy Moron Chatam Sofer. From 1881 was Rav and Rosh Yeshiva in Ehrlo. Stood at the head against the Religious destroyers, continuing the tradition of his father and grandfather. Authored Shut 'Hisorerot Teshuva' 4 parts, and sefer 'Shir Maon'. Was murdered in Auschwitz together with the Hungarian Jews, in the summer of 1944 when he was already 95 years old.

[4] pages all personally hand written by the righteous gaonim Rabbi Yisrael Weltz and the Hisorerot Teshuva of Ehrlo.
21x34 cm. Very well kept. Almost no stains. Light fold marks. Very good condition.
