Tiferet SheBaTiferet - Auction 46 of the Tiferet Auction House
Rare and exciting collection of precious items, the best of collectibles and Segulah items:
Letters by Chassidic shepherds, pedigreed copies of Tzaddikim, manuscripts by leading rabbis, books printed at the pedigreed printeries of Slavuta and Zhytomyr, artifacts that had belonged to Tzaddikim and first editions.
'הנני מברך אותו ואת ב"ב בחג כשר ושמח בגו"ר Letter by the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch on Public Matters and Blessings ...
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Prezzo iniziale:
1 200
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 18%
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'הנני מברך אותו ואת ב"ב בחג כשר ושמח בגו"ר Letter by the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch on Public Matters and Blessings for Passover. 1936
Letter by the holy Rav Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak - the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch, to the famed Chassid Rabbi Azriel Zelig Slonim of Jerusalem, on public matters and at its end, warm blessings for Passover. Otwock, 1936.
The letter was sent from where the Rebbe Rayatz was staying in those years - Otwock, a town near Warsaw, Poland.
The Rebbe writes to Rabbi Azriel Zelig Slonim, his relative and close Chassid, the grandson of the Rebbetzin Mrs. Menucha Rachel, a personal recommendation for his friend Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Barbash. The Rebbe asks Rabbi Azriel Zelig to help Rabbi Yisroel Moshe as best as he can.
The Chassid Rabbi Yisroel Moshe Barbash [1885-1964] the son on Rabbi Davaid Barbash [their family name is the initials of 'בן רבי שניאור', indicating they were the grandsons of the Rav Ba'al Hatanya, the Admor Hazaken of Lubavitch]. Rabbi Yisroel Moshe immigrated to Israel and was one of its important Chabad Chassidim. In 1964, the year of his passing, he published the book Shemen Lama'or by his grandfather the holy Rav of Bovroisk. One of his grandsons is Prof. Gaby Barbash, the CEO of the Ichilov Hospital.
[1] official stationery of the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch, with a typewritten addition from Otwoxk. Minor restoration to the edges, slightly affecting the text. Clear, quality signature of the Rebbe Rayatz. Good condition.
Dimensioni: | 24.5 cm |