Asta 097 Winner's Unlimited - Holy books, letters from Rabbis and Rebbes, Judaica, Posters & Periodicals, Postcards, Maps, Zionism, numismatics.
Da Winner'S
Jerusalem, Israele
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Collection of paper items from the Agudat Chareidei Polania B'Eretz israel. Palestine, 1930s.

Venduto per: $50
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 50
Prezzo stimato :
$200 - $250
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
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31.1.17 in Winner'S

Collection of paper items from the Agudat Chareidei Polania B'Eretz israel. Palestine, 1930s.
Collection of documents from the "Agudat Chareidei Polania B'Eretz israel", 1930s.
Checkbook, receipts, dividend coupons, bond certificates, documents from the credit fund, members debt notes, acceptance requets, member bank ledger to the Palestine Kupat-am Bank ltd, fund stamp, booklet of bylaws for the credit fund  including the union's authority, rules for member acceptance, members' share in assets and much more.
The Agudat Chareidei Polania was established in Eretz israel in the 1930s for Polish immigrants, in order to improve their financial conditions and to create a strong, united unit. Here are original documents that reflect the organization's philosophies from the time it was started. Rare.
Varying sizes and conditions. 
Overall very fine condition.