Asta 86 Parte 4 Books, maps and autographs before 1917.

Da North auction house

23, Embankment of the Griboyedov Canal, Saint Petersburg, Russia

  • The last lifetime edition of Eugene Onegin by A.S. Pushkin.
  • Hand-drawn city plans of the Russian Empire in the middle of the XIX century.
  • Lifetime editions of F.M. Dostoevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N.A. Nekrasov, A.P. Chekhov.
  • A selection of books on geography. Books on history, religion, philosophy, and esotericism.
  • Publications on biology, medicine and technical sciences.
  • Pre-revolutionary maps. Antique paper.

Delivery to Moscow on request, from 3 to 6 August, 1 Artotel hotel (Alekseevskaya metro station), delivery cost 500 rubles • Delivery across Russia and the world (SDEK, Russian Post, Art mail) • Please read the terms of payment and delivery carefully!

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