LOTTO 1: Commentary on the Rambam by Rabbi David Arama. Printed in Amsterdam, 1706. Rare. Copy of the Sages of Izmir. Commentary on the Rambam by Rabbi David Arama. Moshe Dias Press, Amsterdam, [1706]. Second edition. Rare. Pedigreed copy. [2], 85 leaves. 20 cm. With approbations by the rabbis of ...
LOTTO 2: Mekor Chaim. Kabbalah. By Rabbi Shmuel Vital. First and Rare Edition. Livorno, 1792. Mekor Chaim. Kabbalah. Authored by the Gaon Kabbalist Rabbi Shmuel Vital, the son of the Divine Kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Vital. First edition. Livorno, 1771-1792. Extremely rare. On the title page, the Hebrew ...
LOTTO 3: Author's Copy! Yaffe Lalev and Yaffe Talmud by the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak [ben Rabbi Chaim] Palachi. [2] books in a single volume: Yaffe Lalev, II, and Yaffe Talmud, I, by Rabbi Rachamim Nissim Yitzchak Palachi, the son of the famed Gaon and Mekubal Rabbi ChaimPalachi. The press of Aharon Yehoshua ...
LOTTO 4: Chidush Yare'ach. Rare Book Single Edition. Pisa, 1818. Chidush Yare'ach, Limud for Leil Erev Rosh Chodesh, published by Yedidei El of Ferrara. Shlomo Molcho Press, Pisa, [1818]. Single edition. Rare. 26, [1] leaves. 20 cm. Contains verses, Minshnayot, Mamarei Talmud and Zohar and prayers to ...
LOTTO 5: Elucidation on Parashat Kedoshim - Handwritten by the Kaf Hachaim. Leaf handwritten by the author of Kaf Hachaim with an elucidation on Parashat Kedoshim. [2] pages. 21X13 cm. The content of the leaf was printed in Sefer Yismach Yisrael, section II (Jerusalem, 1989), pp. 80-84. The Gaon the ...
LOTTO 6: Leaf on Mussar, Aggadah and Drush by Rabeinu the Ben Ish Chai of Baghdad. Leaf on Mussar, Aggadah and Drush by Rabeinu the Ben Ish Chai of Baghdad. [2] pp. 13X10 cm. [38] lines including [2] lines and several words that were erased by the author by drawing a line on them. The Ben Ish Chai ...
LOTTO 7: The Second Kabbalistic Book that was Written in Yemen: Manuscript of Lechem Shlomo. Yemen, 1886. The second Kabbalistic book that was written in Yemen: Lechem Shlomo, by the Kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo ben Rabbi David Hacohen. Handwritten copy. Yemen, [1886]. Sefer Lechem Shlomo, Kabbalistic book ...
LOTTO 8: Keset Hasofer. First Edition of the Mahadura Tanyana, Ungvar 1871. Copy of Rosh Av Beis Din of Safed Rabbi Chaim Sethon. Keset Hasofer, Mahadura Tanina, section I, the Dinim of writing a Sefer Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot with Lishkat Hasofer and section II, by Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried, author of ...
LOTTO 9: First Edition of Tur Even HaEzer, with Beit Yosef, in the Lifetime of Maran the Beis Yosef With Handwritten Hagahot Bedek Habayit that have not been Published!. Tur Beit Yosef, Even HaEzer - Savinita, 1553 - the first edition that was printed in Maran the Beis Yosef's lifetime - copying of the ...
LOTTO 10: Tur Beit Yosef, Yoreh Deah, Venice, 1574. In the Author's Lifetime. Pedigreed Copy. Tur Beit Yosef, Yoreh Deah - Venice, 1574 - an edition that was published In the lifetime of the author Maran the Beis Yosef - with the signature of the Gaon Rabbi Feibish Hillman Av Beis Din of Hanau, the Noda ...
LOTTO 11: Shut Beit Yosef, Mantova, 1730. Rare and Special Edition. Pedigreed copy! Shut Beit Yosef, Mantova, [1730]. Rare edition of 5000 copies only! Shut Beit Yosef by Rabbi Yosef Karo. The press of Raphael Chaim Harofeh of Italy, Mantova, [1730]. Second and rare edition. With the signatures of the ...
LOTTO 12: Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer. Amsterdam 1808 Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger of Halberstadt. Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer with Ba'er Heitev - Amsterdam 1808 - C opy of the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger (the third) Av Beis Din of Halberstadt - Dedication by his son Rabbi Binyomin Wolf Dedication on ...
LOTTO 13: Very Large Manuscript, Chidushei Rabbi Bunim Ginz Eiger - the Brother of Maran the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger Some were not Published. Very Large Manuscript, innovations on Masechet Shvu'ot by the Gaon Rabbi Bunim Ginz Eiger, Av Beis Din of Mattersdorf (the brother of Rabbi Akiva Eiger) - ...
LOTTO 14: Two Halachic Responses Handwritten by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Eiger. Lengthy letter with two Halachic responses by Maran the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Eiger, sent to his sister Mrs. Gittel and her husband the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Kornfeld. Posen, 1851. Lengthy letter with important Piskei Halacha ...
LOTTO 15: Lengthy Responsum by the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger Handwritten by His Son the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Eiger. Lengthy Responsum by the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Eiger handwritten by his son the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Eiger. Not signed. The respnsum begins with the words: 'בשם אאמ"ו מ' עקיבא נ"י וזהו לשונו הטהור אלי ...
LOTTO 16: Copy of Maran the Shevet Sofer of Pressburg. Etz Chaim by Rabbi Chaim Vital. Lviv, 1864. Sefer Etz Chaim by Rabbi Chaim Vital, the disciple of the holy Ari. Lviv - Lemberg, 1864 edition. The personal copy of Maran Rabbi Simcha Bunim Sofer, the Shevet Sofer of Pressburg. On the title page ...
LOTTO 17: Letter by Maran the Daas Sofer of Pressburg for Observers of the Shemitah, 1945. Letter for observers of the Shemitah in the Holy Land during World War II, by the great Gaon Rabbi Akiva Sofer-Schreiber, Gaon Av Beis Din of Pressburg. Jerusalem, 1945. " when the year of the Shemitah has ...
LOTTO 18: Letter by the Great Gaon the Chashav Sofer of Pressburg. Letter dealing with building the boarding school by the famed Pressburg Yeshiva, by the great Gaon Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyomin Sofer, author of the Chashav Sofer, from the year he was Rav of Pressburg before the World War. The letter ...
LOTTO 19: Sefer Zohar in a Single Volume. Lublin, 1623 Important Handwritten Glosses. Sefer Zohar - all sections in a single volume - Lublin, 1623 - with dozens of glosses in ancient script from the 17th and 18th centuries - incomplete copies In the edition of the Zohar, two columns per page were ...
LOTTO 20: Sha'arei Dura. Lublin, 1574. Dozens of Scholarly Glosses from the Period - Handwritten . Sefer Sha'arei Dura by Rabbi Yitzchak Halevi of Dura, with the Mevoh She'arim commentary - Lublin, 1574 - dozens of ancient scholarly glosses from the period - incomplete copy At the beginning of the book ...
LOTTO 21: Shut Divrei Rivot. Mahadura Tanyana. Venice, 1587. With Glosses and Comments from the Period. Shut Divrei Rivot by Rabbi Yitzchak Adrabbi of Salonika, Mahadura Tanyana, Venice, 1587. With important glosses from the period in Sephardic script. Ownership notations by Rabbi Zanvil Friedlander ...
LOTTO 22: Seder Hoshanot, Ashkenazic Custom. Mantova, 1724. Rare. Seder Hoshanot for Sukkot, Ashkenazic custom. Mantova, [1724]. Rare. Bound with [2] manuscripts with a handwritten version of the Hoshanot. [12] printed leaves. 16 cm. Bound with [6]; [3] handwritten leaves with Hoshana, scribal script ...
LOTTO 23: Glosses Handwritten by Rabbi David Oppenheim on Or Yisrael, Single Edition. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1702. Sacred copy! Or Yisrael. Kabbalistic book by Rabbi Yisroel of Shklov, Russia. Frankfurt an der Oder, [1702]. Single and rare edition with the rare approbation by the holy Gaon the Semichat ...
LOTTO 24: Aggadic Innovations Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi David Oppenheim. Aggadic innovations handwritten by the holy Gaon Rabbi David Oppenheim. Prague, ca. 1820. Have ever been printed! A single leaf, 2 pp. handwritten by the famed Gaon Rabbi David Oppenheim Av Beis Din of Nikolsburg and Prague ...
LOTTO 25: Divrei Yoel on the Torah - Basic Book by the Holy Rav of Satmar Copy of the Tzaddik Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Mandel. Divrei Yoel on the Torah by the Holy Rav Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, volume I, Bereshit I. Brooklyn, 1971. Copy with the handwritten signature of the Tzaddik Kabbalist Rabbi ...
LOTTO 26: Dedication by the Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Zeev Leibovich to the Tzaddik Rabbi Moshe Mandel. Three contemporary Kabbalists: books by the Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock, with a personal dedication by the Tzaddik Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Ze'ev Leibovich to the Tzaddik Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe ...
LOTTO 27: Historical! Shtar Tna'im Signed by Maran the Saba Kadisha of Vizhnitz - for the Marriage of His Sister of Sadigura. Shtar Tna'im and commitment signed by Maran the Saba Kadisha, the Ahavas Yisroel of Vizhnitz, sent to the Or Yisroel of Sadigura. In it, he undertakes the alimony of his sister ...
LOTTO 28: Hora'ah Semicha Handwritten by the Holy Rav Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vishova. Hora'ah Semicha handwritten by the Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vishova and with his signature, 1937. The Semicha document is handwritten by Maran of Vishova about the important Bachur Naftali Hertzil Foigel, a student ...
LOTTO 29: Letter of Condolences by Maran the Imrei Chaim of Vizhnitz to the Gaon Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin. 1965 . Letter of condolences by Maran the Imrei Chaim of Vizhnitz to the Gaon Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin, the chairman of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah for his wife's passing. 1965. The Rebbetzin of Luck ...
LOTTO 30: Rare: Letter on the Age of Marriage by the Holy Rav the Makor Baruch of Seret Vizhnitz. Rare letter, response handwritten and signed by the Makor Baruch of Seret Vizhnitz about the advisable age of marriage. The letter was sent from Haifa in 1950. The addressee's name is not noted. The Makor ...
LOTTO 31: Letter by Rabbi Yisroel Sholom Yosef of Atinia. Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yisroel Sholom Yosef of Atinia to his friend Rabbi Yosef of Safed, about charity to Safed. 1937. The letter is about monetary support from Chernovich, which eventually was not carried out due to ...
LOTTO 32: Sermon on the Education of Boys Handwritten by the Yeshu'os Moshe of Vizhnitz. Ideas for a semon handwritten by the Yeshu'os Moshe of Vizhnitz, with the main points of the sermon. In his holy father's lifetime. On his early official stationery, the Yeshu'os Moshe wrote some ideas on the ...
LOTTO 33: Nevi'im and Ketuvim in a Single Volume. Stephani Press, Paris, 1514-1539. Rare. Elegant Copy. Elegant copy of [7] books of Neviim and Ketuvim in a single volume. Roberti Stephani Press, Paris, 1514-1539. Rare. Iyov (1516), Yeshaya (1539), Yechezkel (1514), Daniel (1515), Diveri Hayamim ...
LOTTO 34: Peirush Hamilot, on the Targum. Krakow, 1580. Rare. Peirush Hamilot, elucidation of words of the Targum of Chamesh megillot, Daniel and Ezra, by Rabbi Mordechai Luria. The press of Yitzchak ben Rabbi Aharon of Prostitz, Krakow, 1580. Rare. 44 leaves. 17 cm. The missing title page was ...
LOTTO 36: Arba'ah Turim in a Single Complete Volume. Hanova, 1610. Arba'ah Turim by Rabbeinu Yaakov ben Rabbeinu Asher, in a single volume. With Hagahot Rabbi Avraham of Prague. Hans Jacobo Hena Press, Hanova, 1610. With an alegeant leather binding. 117; 91; 59; 139 leaves. 30 cm. Restored title page. ...
LOTTO 37: Ginat Egoz. Important Kabbalistic Work. First and Rare Edition. Hanau, 1615. Ginat Egoz, basic Kabbalistic book, by the Mekubal Rabbi Yosef Gikatilla. The press of Eliezer ben Rabbi Chaim and Eliyahu ben Rabbi Zelikman Ulma, Hanau, [1615]. First edition. Rare. 75 [i.e. 78] leaves. 28 cm. ...
LOTTO 39: Divrei Nave. First Edition. Amsterdam, 1688. Divrei Nave, on the Shas, by the leader of the Prague community, Rabbi Nechemya Feibel Dushniz. David de Crasto Thordas Press, Amsterdam, [1688]. First Edition. Rare. [3], 152, [1]; 10 leaves. 19 cm. At its end, Sefer Pi Nave, Chidushei Dinim on ...
LOTTO 40: Pnei Moshe. First Edition. Wilhermsdorf, 1716 Rare. Pnei Moshe, Chidushi Aggadot Hatmuhim of the Bavli and Yerushalmi Shas, Rashi and Tosfot, by the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Katz. Wilhermsdorf, [1716]. First edition. Rare. [2], 44 leaves. 18 cm. The Gaon Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Yehoshua Katz - Av ...
LOTTO 41: Aruga Ketana. Rhymes on Mitzvot Asseh. First Edition. 1787. Aruga Ketana. 248 Mitzvot Asseh, alphabetically ordered and rhymed, [by Rabbi Daniel Kalif]. The press of Eliezer Leizer Shemesh and Nosson Maya, 1787. First edition. 20 leaves. 19 cm. Introduced at the beginning are the six Mitzvot ...
LOTTO 42: Mincha Ketanat on the Haftarot of Bein Hametzarim. First Edition. Amsterdam, 1789. Mincha Ketana, commentary on 3 Haftarot that are said Bein Hametzarim and on Tehillim 79 by the Maggid Rabbi Chaim ben Rabbi Yissachar Ber [Melamed]. The press of the widow and orphans of Yaakov Proops Katz ...
LOTTO 43: Copy of the Gaon the Chavot Yair: Yeriot Shlomo by the Maharshal. First Edition, Prague, 1609. Sefer Yeriot Shlomo, Hagahot Maharshal on Be'ur HaRe'em. Prague, [1609]. First edition. Rare. Copy of the Gaon author of Chavot Yair. Yeri'ot Shlomo, elucidation on Rashi's commentary on the Torah ...
LOTTO 44: Psikta Rabbati. Yitzchak Katz Press. Prague, 1653. Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Brod of Margentheim. Psikta Rabbati. Yitzchak Katz Press. Prague, [1653]. First edition, rare. Pedigreed copy. 74 leaves. 18 cm. Without the title page. On the inside binding. the signature of Rabbi ...
LOTTO 45: Turei Zahav on Choshen Mishpat. Hamburg, 1692 Copy of the Chok Yosef. Sefer Turei Zahav on Choshen Mishpat - Hamburg, 1692 - first edition of the Taz on Choshen Mishpat which was edited by the Chacham Zvi - Copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Breslau Av Beis Din of Milhausen and Bamberg, author of ...
LOTTO 46: Manuscript of a Disciple of Rabbeinu Yonason Eibschitz, with Torah Innovations that have not been Published - 18th Century. Manuscript, Kuntres of Torah innovations by the Rabbis of Metz including Rabbeinu Yonason Eibschitz - handwritten by a disciple - has not been Published - 18th century ...
LOTTO 47: Handwritten Kuntres - Drush and Pilpul - Innovations by the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Hillman Av Beis Din of Metz. Handwritten Kuntres - Innovations by the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Hillman Av Beis Din of Metz - written in his lifetime - not published - Metz, before 1765 This is a Kuntres of 16 pp. with ...
LOTTO 48: Sefer Minhagei Maharil. Amsterdam, 1720. Rare and Important. Sefer Maharil, Ashkenazic customs for all year round, with the Hanhagot and customs of the Frankfurt community. Yisroel ben Rabbi Moshe Publications, Amsterdam, [1720]. Rare. [1], 94, [1] leaves. 16 cm. Owner's notation of Yitzchak ...
LOTTO 49: Book of Customs of Frankfurt am Main and Ashkenaz, 1729 - Yiddish. Minhagim, וויא מן זיך נוהג איזט אין אשכנז דש גאנצי יאר (How people behave in Ashkenaz all year round). Frankfurt am Main, [1729]. Yiddish. 71 [i.e. 72] leaves. 16 cm. Leaves 40-41 and the last leaf were missing and were ...
LOTTO 50: Sefer Minhagei Kehilat Furth. First Edition, 1767, Important Handwritten Notations. Sefer Minhagei Kehilat Furth, the customs of the Furth community, by the brothers Rabbi Yisroel and Rabbi Kopel ben Rabbi Gompel. The press of Chaim ben Rabbi Zvi Hirsch, Furth, [1767]. First edition. Rare. With ...
LOTTO 51: Discovery! Unknown and Extremely Rare Edition! Machzor for All Year Round, Offenbach, [1732]. Discovery! Machzor for all year round, Ashkenaz custom with Chamesh Megillot. The press of Yisroel ben Rabbi Moshe [Hally] [Offenbach], [1732]. Unknown and extremely rare edition. 311 leaves. 13 cm. ...
LOTTO 52: Very Large Volume - Manuscript of Drush on Parashiyos HaTorah by an Unknown Gaon Wien, 1875-1883. Handwritten volume, Drushim on the Torah and sermons for Shabbat Hagadol and Shabbat Shuvah - written during the years 1875-1883 - not published. Written on the back guard leaves, on the right ...
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