Your Antiquary

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Your Antiquary is the largest of the antique salons located in Gostiny Dvor. Member of the International Confederation of Antiquaries and Art Dealers, which unites the largest and most competent art galleries.

Our specialization is Russian and Western European art of the 18th-20th centuries: painting, drawing, decorative and applied art: works of porcelain, glass, bronze, furniture and much more.

Here you will find antiques for the most refined taste, both for interior decoration, collecting, and for exquisite, original gifts.

Experienced art experts will give you detailed advice on the lots presented and will gladly help you make your choice.

Our auctions are a chance to buy works of art at a bargain, not overpriced.

We evaluate, redeem, take on commission works of Russian painting of the 19th and first third of the 20th centuries, as well as sculptures of the Art Deco period, made in the chrysoelephantine technique. Certified experts will help you evaluate your works.

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