Auction 11
By Prime Judaica
Jul 6, 2022
30 9th Street, Lakewood NJ 08701, USA, United States
The auction has ended

LOT 122:

Rav Tov, First edition. Lemberg 1889.
Fundamental Sefer Chasidus on the weekly Torah portions, by R. ...

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Start price:
$ 180
Buyer's Premium: 22%
Auction took place on Jul 6, 2022 at Prime Judaica

Rav Tov, First edition. Lemberg 1889.
Fundamental Sefer Chasidus on the weekly Torah portions, by R. Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum of Sighet. With additions to his sefer Yetev Ponim. The sefer is named Rav Tov as an acronym in memory of the Sigheter Rebbetzin, Roiza Blima Teitelbaum. Published by R. Moshe Dovid Teitelbaum of Lappish.

R. Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum (1808-1883), known as the Yetev Lev, was a son R. Eliezer Nissan, a son of the Yismach Moshe. Known as outstanding Talmid Chochom and Posek, he first served as Rav in Stropkov. After the Yismach Moshe’s passing in 1841, he succeeded him as Rav of Ujhel, however after a dispute with the local Misnagdim he was forced to leave. In 1858, he was appointed as Rov in Sighet. There he established a Chasidic court with thousands of Chassidim, and was henceforth known as the Sigheter Rav. Following his passing, he was succeeded by his son R. Chananya Yom Tov Lipa
(Kedushas Yom Tov), father of R. Chaim Tzvi (Atzei Chaim) and R. Yoel (Satmar Rov).

Bound together with sefer Gevul Bnei Naftali, Munkatch 1876, lacking title page.

Pages: 1, 183, 1, pages.
Size: 24.5 cm.
Condition: Overall in fine condition. few worm holes, wear, Antique binding, (reinforced spine).

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