Auction 29
By Raskolnikov Gallery
Sep 12, 2023
Санкт-Петербург, Новгородская, 23., Russia


Императорский фарфоровый завод, марки Екатерина II, Александр II, Александр III, Николай II. Заводы Кузнецова, Гарднер, Братьев Корниловых, Попова, Сафронова. Фабрики ГФЗ, ЛФЗ, Вербилки, Дулево, Конаковская фаянсовая фабрика.

Дореволюционное стекло и ДПИ: кувшины, рукомойники, самовар наследников Василия Баташева, весы, елочные игрушки, печати до 1917, шкатулки, морские часы, карты, пишущая машинка Continental, утюги до 1917, украшения, оловянные солдатики СССР, панно Касли до 1917, мыльный камень, серебро бр.Грачевых, бронза и тд.


Письмо И.Бродского, подписанная фотография Рейнгольда Глиэра, книга В.К.Шенка с дарственной надписью Академии Художеств.

Живопись и графика: Ксидиас Перикл, Петр Смукрович, В.Ф.Васин, Прибыловский, Злата Бызова, Леон Нисенбаум, Василий Голубев, Владимир Ветрогонский, Евгений Михнов-Войтенко, Юлия Сопина, Наталья Ватенина, Ф.Кангин, Олег Ломакин, Дмитрий Беляев.

Лоты 94-114 альбомы по фарфору издательства Государственного Эрмитажа. Приглашаем к сотрудничеству коллекционеров и дилеров !

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LOT 21:

[1810, teacher of Nicholas I] Vasily Kukolnik. The Basic Foundations of Roman Civil Law: For guidance in the ...

Start price:
1,000,000 p
Buyer's Premium: 17% More details
Auction took place on Sep 12, 2023 at Raskolnikov Gallery

[1810, teacher of Nicholas I] Vasily Kukolnik. The Basic Foundations of Roman Civil Law: For guidance in the teaching of ongo in public courses. / Composition of Vasily Kukolnik svobod. artistic philosophy and both rights of doctor, in Imperat. S. Petersburg. teacher. Institute of Speculative and Experimental Physics and Agriculture; at the Higher School of Jurisprudence of Roman Law, professor publ. ordin. testing committee, and learned societies Imperat. Free economic, and Moscow physical and medical, foreign Altenburg botanical and Ensk mineralogical members, Imperat. Correspondent Medical and Surgical Academy. - St. Petersburg: In the Medical Printing House, 1810, 291 pages, binding of the era, old restoration and jamming of the title page, light pencil marks on separate pages, otherwise collectible,

Vasily Grigoryevich Kukolnik (1765, Habsburg Monarchy - 1821, Russian Empire) - Polish and Russian scientist and teacher of Ruthenian origin. In 1803, at the invitation of N.N. Novosiltsev, he moved to St. Petersburg and was appointed professor of physics at the newly opened Pedagogical Institute. Being a highly educated person, in different years he taught at the institute not only physics, but also chemistry, technology and agronomy. From 1813 to 1817 he taught Roman and civil Russian law to Grand Dukes Nikolai and Mikhail Pavlovich. As a reward for special merits, he was granted a small estate in the Vilna province, where his family began to spend the summer months.In the first years of the XIX century. launched an active publishing activity, releasing an agronomic magazine published in Lemberg in Polish. ("Dzieło Ekonomiczne", 1803. Ch. 1-5; and "Dziennik Ekonomiczny". 1803-1804 Ch. 1-12).

In 1803, under the patronage of I.S. Orlaya K. was invited by N.N. Novosiltsov to St. Petersburg to the Pedagogical Institute, which is supposed to be opened, to the Department of Experimental Physics as an ordinary professor, together with M.A. Balugyansky and P.D. Lodi. On August 6, 1803, K. was appointed professor of physics with a salary of 2,000 rubles. on the staff of the Institute. At the Institute, he also taught for several years chemistry, technology and rural economics without additional salary, as well as physics, Roman law and Russian private law in public courses for officials at the Institute.

In addition to the Institute, thanks to the permission of a part-time job, since 1804 Kukolnik taught experimental physics at the St. Petersburg Provincial Gymnasium, and at public courses for officials at the Institute for three years - physics and Roman law, and four years - private Russian law. Since 1810, he also taught Roman law at the newly opened Higher School of Law. Thanks to his good knowledge of the Russian language (of all the professors invited from Austria, he was the first to start teaching in Russian), it was he who was most often appointed as a visitor and had to review state and private educational institutions. institutions of the district in St. Petersburg, Pskov, Olonets provinces. The Dollmaker's visits were very detailed, as were his reports on the state of the schools. At the same time, he was a member of the Economic Committee of the Institute, formed in 1807, and was elected superintendent (inspector) of students.