LOTTO 1: Sefer HaZohar, second section, Sefer Shemos printed by Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapiro of Slavuta, 1824. Pedigreed Admoric copy. Sefer HaZohar, second section that was printed by the famed 'Slavuta' press of the holy Rav Rabbi Shmuel Avraham the son of the Rav of Slavuta and the grandson of ...
LOTTO 2: Sefer HaRoke'ach. By Rabbi Eliezer of Worms, one of Ba'alei HaTosafos. Zhitomir, the Shapiro Brothers Press, 1847. On the title page, an ownership inscription from the era 'Chaim'. 27 leaves. 15 cm. Edges cut unevenly during the printing process, blemish to some of the headings. Stains. ...
LOTTO 3: Pedigreed copy of the grandson of the holy Rav of Berditchev. Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, section III from the honor of the sanctity of Rabbeinu the Admor HaZaken of Liadi, Printed by the brothers Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschil Shapiro. Zhitomir, 1855. The personal copy of ...
LOTTO 4: Avodas HaKodesh by Rabbeinu the Chida, unique pocket edition, Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapiro Press, Zhitomir, 1857. Divided into two sections: Moreh BaEtzbah and Tziporen Shamir, printed by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapiro the grandson of the Rav of Slavuta in Zhitomir, 1857. A unique pocket edition of ...
LOTTO 5: Shulchan Aruch HaRav - by Rabbeinu the Admor HaZaken Ba'al HaTanya, Zhitomir. 1869. Shulchan Aruch HaRav - by Rabbeinu the Admor HaZaken Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Zhitomir, 1869. Six sections in four volumes. This edition was printed after the Zhitomir 1862 edition and the name of the ...
LOTTO 6: Likutim Yekarim, from the words of the Besht and his disciples, [Ostroh?], [1820?]. Likutim Yekarim, from the words of the Besht, the Maggid of Mezeritch, the holy Rav Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Premishlan, the holy Rav Yechiel Michl of Yompla and the holy Rav [Meshulam] Feibish of Zabriz. ...
LOTTO 7: Divrei Emes on the Torah, by the Gaon the Rav of Lublin 'The Chozeh'. Sudilkov, 1853. Sefer Divrei Emes on the Torah [and at its end Likutei Nevi'im, Likutei Ketuvim and innovations on Tractates Shabbas, Bava Kama, Bava Metzi'ah, Bava Batra and Chulin], one of the three compositions authored ...
LOTTO 8: Shivchei HaBesht, [Russia-Poland, ca. 1840]. Sefer Shivchei HaBesht, wonderous tales about Rabbeinu Yisroel Besht and his holy disciples. [Russia-Poland, ca. 1840]. [44] leaves, 20 cm. After the Kapust 1815 edition. The title page promised approbations and a foreword by the publisher; yet ...
LOTTO 9: Or Pnei Moshe, by the holy Rav Moshe Sofer Setam of Pshevorsk. Lvov, 1851. Second edition. Sefer Or Pnei Moshe, on Chamisha Chumshei Torah and Chamesh Megilos, by the holy Rav Moshe ben Yitzchak Halevi of Pshevorsk. Pinchas Moshe Balavan Press, Lvov, 1851. [3], 5-46, 61-92, 113-130; 38; 50 ...
LOTTO 10: Noam Elimelech, on the Torah and compilations, by the holy Rav Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, with Hanhagos from the author's last will and testament and Ta'amei Mitzvos by Rabbi Yosef Giktilya. Lvov, 1856. Sefer Noam Elimelech, a basic Sefer of Chassidus, authored by the holy Rav Rabbi ...
LOTTO 11: Chassidus. Tshu'os Chen, Chassidic innovations on the Torah pleasing to G-d and pious people, by the holy Rav Rabbi Gedalyahu of Linitz. Approbation by the holy Rav Rabbi Yitzchak of Berditchev [Lashchov?], apparently 1816. On the title page: the erroneous year of 1861. The place of printing ...
LOTTO 12: Midrash Eliyahu by the Rav Rabbeinu Eliyahu of Izmir, the 'Sheves Mussar', reprinted in Chernowitz by the son of holies Rabbi Yechiel Michl of Skolit, and approbated by the renowned holy Rav Rabbi Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura, the son and successor of Ateres Tiferes Yisroel of Ruzhin. Chernowitz ...
LOTTO 13: Chessed LeAvraham, by Rabbi Avraham Azulai. Lemberg, 1863. Bound with Likutei Yekarim, from the words of the Besht and his disciples. Lemberg, 1864. [2] Seforim in a single volume: Chessed LeAvraham and Likutei Yekarim. Lemberg, 1863-1864: * Chessed LeAvraham, deep Kabbalistic matters ...
LOTTO 14: Ravid HaZahav section II - also known as 'Dvir HaMutznah', on the Torah, by the holy Rav Rabbi Yisroel Dov Ber Gilernater. Premishla, 1876. First edition. Approbations by the greatest Tzaddikim. Very important list of subscribers. The personal copy of the holy Rav Rabbi Shlomo of Chortkov ...
LOTTO 15: Rav Tuv by Rabbeinu the author of Yitav lev. Lemberg, 1889. First edition. Rav Tuv on the Torah, by the holy Rav Rabbeinu Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum, author of Yitav Lev and Yitav Panim. First edition. Lemberg, Reb Yaakov Meshulam Ehrenpeis Press, Lemberg, 1889. First edition. 25 cm. ...
LOTTO 16: Important edition! Avodas Yisroel, by the holy Rav of Kozhnitz, Munkatch, 1929. Avodas Yisroel, Chassidic Drushim and commentaries on the Torah, authored by the holy Rav Rabbi Yisroel the Maggid of Kozhnitz. Published by the rabbinic the Naggid Reb Alter Baruch Vider, Munkatch, 1929. With ...
LOTTO 17: Segulah for Yiras Shamayim! Yeshu'os Yisroel, two sections, magnificent stories about Kedosh Yisroel of Ruzhin and wondrous events that took place in relation to him. Padgorze, 1904. First section about Ateres Malchus Beis Yisroel the holy Rav of Ruzhin. Second section, stories told by ...
LOTTO 18: The Personal Copy of the Holy Admor Rabbi Chanaya Yom Tov Lipa of Sassov, Yismach Moshe on Nevi'im and Ketuvim, Budapest, 1933 The personal copy of the Admor of Sassov Rabbi Chanaya Yom Tov Lipa Meir Teitelboim [1906-1966], was born to his father Rabbi Chanoch Henich the son-in-law of the ...
LOTTO 19: Sefer Kol Barama, commentary on the Idra Raba and the Idra Zuta by Rabbeinu the Ari with commentary by Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach - first edition, Koretz 1785. This Koretz 1785 edition of the Sefer contains one of the most important approbations, an approbation by the holy Rav Rabbi Yeibi of Ostroh ...
LOTTO 20: Shoshan Sodos, important Kabbalistic book, by Rabbi Moshe ben Rabbi Yaakov who was exiled from Kiev. First edition: Koretz, 1784. The manuscript of Shoshan Sodos contains 656 secrets that add up to the Gematria of the Hebrew word 'Shoshan' (שושן). This Sefer contains 463 secrets, while the ...
LOTTO 21: Etz Chaim, Koretz, [1785]. Rare. Sefer Etz Chaim, authored by Rabbi Chaim Vital. "Printed for the third time". Yohan Anthon Kriger Press, Koretz, [1785]. Rare. 9-132 leaves, 31 cm. Incomplete copy without the title page and the [7] first leaves. The colophon indicates that the printing ended ...
LOTTO 22: Eshel Avraham, by the Kabbalist Rabbi Mordechai Ashkenazi. Furth, [1701]. With Kabbalistic illustrations. First edition. The copy that was studied by the holy Rav Rabbi Yoel Zvi Roth Av Beis Din of Tisa Salka. Sefer Eshel Avraham, secrets and elucidation of Ma'marei HaZohar, by Rabbi ...
LOTTO 23: A copy that had belonged to Geonim Gedolei Hador! Kos HaYeshu'os. First edition, Frankfurt am Main 1711. Authored by Rabbeinu the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Hacohen Schotten. The copy of the holy Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner of Sekelhid, the Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Folk of Poltishen and additional great ...
LOTTO 24: Sha'arei Chochma, on the Sugyos of the Shas, authored by Rabbi Elazar Lowy, Seini (S. Warahl) 1907. The personal copy of the holy Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner, Av Beis Din of Szekelyhid. The Holy Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Segal Rosner (1879-1944) one of the most important rabbis of Hungary ...
LOTTO 25: Unique copy! Sefer 'MahaRam Mintz' - 'Apei Zutrei' Volume 1, from MahaRam Mintz. Prague 1827. First edition of this part. Personal copy of Rabbi Chaim Nosson Dembitzer and Rabbi David Shlomo Margulies.Sefer 'MahaRam Mintz' - 'Apei Zutrei', Volume 1, collection Shut edited by his son ...
LOTTO 26: Turei Even by the author of the She'agas Aryeh, Vilna, 1835. The copy of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Heiman and his in-law Rabbi Chaim David Admas. Sefer Turei Even, on tractates Rosh HaShana, Chagiga and Megilah, by the Gaon Rabbi Aryeh Leib [Ginzburg] author of the "She'agas Aryeh". Binyomin Ben ...
LOTTO 27: The copy of Rabbi Moshe Blau and his in-law Rabbi Shlomo Baruch Schmalhausen of Budapest: Ani Ari, by the holy Rav Rabbi Yehuda Leib [Schor] of Shorigrad, with a commentary on Chad Gadya by his brother Rabbi Dober. Lemberg, 1900. Ani Ari on the 22 letters and the 13 Midos by way of Chochmas ...
LOTTO 28: Shut Ne'os Desheh, by Rabbi David Shlomo Eibeschutz. Lemberg, [1861]. First edition. The personal copy of Rabbi David Elimelech Hacohen Stormloifer, Rosh Av Beis Din of Dinov. Ne'os Desheh, responsa on the four sections of Shulchan Aruch, by Rabbi David Shlomo Eibeschutz and at its end [2] ...
LOTTO 29: Chelek LaOlam HaBah on Tractate Avos by the holy Gaon Rabbi Shaul Brach. The copy of the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yehoshua Segal Deutsch of Brashov-Katamon. Single and rare edition. Sefer 'Chelek LaOlam Habah' innovations on tractate Avos authored by the holy Gaon, Gedol Hador Rabbi Shaul ...
LOTTO 30: Pedigreed copy, Ohalei Yehuda, Sugyos innovations on several tractates, authored by Rabbi Yehuda Hacohen, Jerusalem (Bak Press), 1843. the personal copy of Rabbi Yechiel Michl Halperin (1857-1909) Rosh Av Beis Din of Tiberius. was born in Poland and immigrated to the Holy Land in 1890. In ...
LOTTO 31: Shut Lechem Shlomo, [I]: Orach Chaim, by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich Av Beis Din of Shamloy. Shamloy, [1924]. First edition. The copy from which the holy Rav Rabbi Yoel Zvi Roth Av Beis Din of Tisa Salka had studied. Shut Lechem Shlomo, for clarifying the Sugyos of the Shas and Poskim. By ...
LOTTO 32: Mikrei Dardakei on Chumash Shemos. By the holy Gaon of Kolomyya, a copy of his son the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Baruch Bendit Lichtenstein. Kolomyya 1890. Mikrei Dardakei on Chumash Shemos. By the holy Gaon Rabbi Hillel Lash Av Beis Din of Kolomyya and Gedol Hador. First edition that was ...
LOTTO 33: Beis Avraham, the last will of the Chayei Adam in a special pocket edition. Vilna, 1841. The copy of the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Chazan of Lubavitch - Jerusalem. The last will of the Chayei Adam, fourth edition, Vilna, 1841. Many ownership stamps and a single ownership notation by the ...
LOTTO 34: Divrei Kedoshim. Bardejov, 1925. Pedigreed copy of the holy Gaon Rabbi Chaim Yehuda Broin of Iklad. Divrei Kedoshim by the Geonim Rabbi Sheftil the son of the author of the Shelah, Rabbi Naftali Hacohen author of 'Semichas Chachamim', Rabbi Aharon of Karlin with the Zemer for Sabbath, Rabbi ...
LOTTO 35: First edition! 'Michlol Yofi' on Meggilat Kohelet, hidden and revealed commentaries, by Rabbi Eliyahu Loans Baal Shem. Amsterdam 1695.Sefer 'Michlol Yofi', commentary on Kohelet, hidden and revealed, by the Holy Rabbi Eliyahu Ashkenazi 'Baal Shem' abd and ram of the Worms community, son of ...
LOTTO 36: Two Sifrei Rishonim on Shas bound together. Jerusalem, 1887-1888. Personal copy of the German leader of Orthodox Judaism Rabbi Ezriel Hildesheimer.Two sifrei Rishonim bound together, Jerusalem 1887-1888. * Rambam commentary on Tractate Rosh Hashana, commentary on Gemara with ...
LOTTO 37: Letter with a Request for Assistance from [1928] by Rabbi Eliyahu Rosen, the Rav of Oświęcim (Auschwitz), on the Sefer of His Father: She'agas Aryeh and Be'er Avraham. Husiatyn, [1905]. "Please be kind to him and support him towards the upcoming holy days ... it truly pertains to Piku'ach ...
LOTTO 38: Chidushei HaRitva and Tosfos HaRid on Tractate Kiddushin, Berlin, 1715. The personal copy of the philanthropist Rabbi Reuven Yisroel Halevi Frankel, a Kock Chassid, the son-in-law of the philanthropist Rabbi Yehuda Leib Kushmirak (one of the rich of Poland who donated a hundred thousand ...
LOTTO 39: Torah and Halachic innovations on matters of Ribis (interest) handwritten by Maran the author of the Sheves Halevi Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner. On a sheet of the official stationery of Maran the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner, Amud HaHora'ah, Posek Hador, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas ...
LOTTO 40: The rabbinate of Bnei Berak! Important and interesting letter by the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Landau Rav Av Beis Din of Bnei Berak to Maran Amud HaHora'ah author of Sheves Halevi. Letter by the great Gaon the Rav of Bnei Berak Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Landau, during his first term as Rav ...
LOTTO 41: The first regards from Nietra! Awe-inspiring letter handwritten entirely by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Sholom Moshe Ungar of Nietra to Maran the Sheves halevi, about transferring the remains of his father the holy Gaon of Nietra. A lengthy awe-inspiring letter, reflecting the storms of the time ...
LOTTO 42: Historical agreement for managing the Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin in the Zichron Meir neighborhood of Bnei Berak, handwritten and signed by Maran the Sheves Halevi, between and the committee of the founders of the neighborhood. An agreement made and signed by Maran the great Gaon Rabbi Shmuel ...
LOTTO 43: 'Thy end will be very great' Letter of Divrei Torah by the Tzaddik Gaon Rabbi Yeshaya First to his leading disciple Maran the author of the Sheves Halevi in his youth, in which he predicts Rabbi Wosner's greatness and his future as a Posek Hora'ah for Beis Yisroel. Wonderful postcard-letter ...
LOTTO 44: Manuscript by the Rav of Safed, Chacham Rabbi Avraham Anhori, signed by him and by Rabbi Shmuel Nahon. [Safed], [1836]. Halachic ruling handwritten by Rabbi Avraham Anhori, signed by him and by Rabbi Shmuel de Yehuda Nahon. [Safed], Nissan 10, [1836]. [1] leaf, 31X22 cm. The leaf is folded ...
LOTTO 45: Document hand-signed by the Dayanim Rabbi Uziel Elchayech and Rabbi Yaakov Hacohen. A document signed by Rabbi Uziel Elchayech author of "Mishkenos HaRo'im" and Rabbi Yaakov ben Eliyahu Hacohen, pertaining to transactions between Rabbi Yaakov hacohen and Rabbi Michael Ashkenazi author of ...
LOTTO 46: Letter by the sage Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchak Finzi of Ferrera, handwritten and signed by him. Manuscript by Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchak Finzi of Ferrara, about Ptuchos and Stumos in a Sefer Torah. [1] leaf, 19X25 cm. Rabbi Shmuel Yitzchak ben Rabbi Moshe Chai Yonoson Finzi - one of the sages of ...
LOTTO 47: Responsum handwritten and signed by Rabbi Menachem Azarya Meir Castilnovo. Padova, Av [1818] Letter on Dinei Treifos by Rabbi Menachem Azarya Castilnovo to Rabbi Chananel Nifi, handwritten and signed by him. Padova, Av [1818]. [3] pp. 28 cm. The Gaon Rabbi Menachem Azarya ben Rabbi ...
LOTTO 48: Letter of blessings by the Kabbalist Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Chai Zrihan the Rav of Tiberius to Rabbi Yaakov Landau the Rav of Bnei Berak. 1945. Letter of warm blessings for the new year handwritten by the Kabbalist Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Chai Zrihan the Chief Rabbi of Tiberius to the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov ...
LOTTO 49: Letter by Maran the holy Baba Khaki Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhatzeira for accepting students to holy yeshivas and 'Poras Yosef' in Rechovos. Ramla, 1965. Written by a scribe, signed and with the stamp of the holy Baba Khaki, Maran the Rav appeals to the management of the Poras Yosef Yeshiva. [1] ...
LOTTO 50: "Letter of receipt and gratitude" - receipt and honorary certificate to the president and administrator of the Holy Land rabbi Avraham Isaac Daniel, by the heads of Kollel Romania in Jerusalem, Safed and Tiberius. Safed, 1906. Letter of gratitude and blessing to Rabbi Avraham Isaac Daniel ...
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