LOT 151: Kabbalists' Siddur: Kol Ya'akov - Copy Previously Owned by the Hidden Tzaddik Rabbi Yosef Woltoch. Siddur Kol Ya'akov - Kabbalistic-Chassidic Siddur known as " Rabbi Koppel's Siddur " after the author, Rabbi Koppel of Mezeritch, a patriarch of Chassidut from the Besh"t's generation. This siddur ...
LOT 152: Sefer HaPli'ah. Premishlan. 1883. Segulah Book. Pedigree Copy. Sefer HaPli'ah al Sefer Bereishit ... v'hu Sefer HaKaneh ... by a sacred person, from G-d's word, and his name is Pla'i/wondrous. In the approbations to this edition, the following was written about the segulah: Rabbi Aharon ...
LOT 153: Set of Ein Ya'akov in [6] Volumes. Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Yitzchak David of Lelov, with his Signature and Notations. Sefer Kutanot Or - Ein Ya'akov - complete set. Six parts in six volumes. Lvov, R' Shlomo Yarish Rapoport Press, 1808. Copy that belonged to Rabbi Yitzchak David, son of Rabbi ...
LOT 154: The Admo"r of Kapischnitz's Sefer HaZohar HaKadosh . Sefer HaZohar HaKadosh used by the sacred Admo"r of Kopyczyńce. Sefer Bereishit, Warsaw, 1867. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the Admo"r Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel of Kapischnitz. The Admo"r's stamp appears ...
LOT 155: The Admo"r, the Pnei Menachem's Wedding Certificate. Sacred, Thrilling Document. Official Edah Chareidit of Jerusalem marriage certificate for the wedding of Rabbi Pinchas Menachem Alter, who later became the Admo”r, the author of Pnei Menachem of Gur, and Rebbetzin Tziporah (also of the Alter ...
LOT 156: Massive Segulah! The Admo"r of Tosh's Afikoman Matzah . "Afikoman is a segulah for wealth and a spouse, as it says, 'MiTzafon zahav yatah' - that is to say, from the afikoman, which is called tzafon (north), wealth will come, and also, 'zahav' is an abbreviation for zivug hagun b'karov ...
LOT 157: Rare: Dollar for Protection Received Directly from the Admo"r of Vizhnitz-Monsey. Banknote with a face value of one American dollar, received directly from the Admo"r Rabbi Mordechai Hager of Vizhnitz-Monsey, for protection. Received from the Rebbe in 2008. Sacred sefarim state that belongings ...
LOT 158: Reiach Sadeh. Copy Previously Owned by the Rebbe Meshulam Zusha Teitelbaum, Son of the Atzei Chaim of Sighet. Sefer Reiach Sadeh , novellae and responsa from Rabbi Shimon Dwek, leading sage of Aleppo. Constantinople, Yonah Ben Ya'akov Press Ashkenazi, 1738. First edition, owner's stamp on the ...
LOT 159: Manuscript of the Book Yismach Moshe with the Yitev Lev's Glosses on Parashat HaMann - a Segulah for Wealth. Very important segulah content: Parashat HaMann - capable of bringing wealth - handwritten by the Yitev Lev of Sighet! Original manuscript of the famous Chassidic work Yismach Moshe by ...
LOT 160: Rare Letter with Blessings from the Rebbe Rabbi Mottel Slonimer. Rare Signature. "A Year of wealth, honor and success, a year of life and blessing, a year of redemption and salvation" Rare Shanah Tovah greetings from the sacred gaon Rabbi Mordechai Chaim Slonim, leader of Slonimer Chassidim ...
LOT 161: Torah Novellae by the Gaon Rabbi Nechemiah Alter of Gur. "To recall what came to my mind now during prayer" Two pages of Torah novellae [approximately 800 words], on the topic of kezaytim for seder night and related topics. Written by the gaon of Chassidic Poland himself, Rabbi Nechemiah ...
LOT 162: Beautiful Letter of Rabbinic Ordination Handwritten by the Admo"r, the Author of Zichron Ya'akov of Dej. 1934. Beautiful letter of rabbinic ordination on official stationery blank. Entirely in his hand, and with the av beit din of Dej - the Admo"r Rabbi Ya'akov Elimelech Panet's calligraphic ...
LOT 163: Rare Promise for a Long Life Handwritten by the Admo"r Rabbi Chaim Yerachmiel Taub of Zwoleń. "In this merit, I promise [you] long and good lives, and all goodness, forever"!! (The Rebbe's rare blessing) Lengthy and chilling letter [25 lines] loaded with rare sacred blessings and explicit ...
LOT 164: Invitation to the Sacred Admo"r Rabbi Shlomke of Zvihl's Granddaughter, with his Blessing for a Good Life! . "For success, good life, much nachas from [your] children and [your] children's children, and for all [your] heart's desires" (Blessings from the Rebbe of Zvihl) Official invitation to ...
LOT 165: Marriage Certificate Signed by the Salvation-Worker the Admo"r Rabbi David Moshe of Kretshnif. Marriage certificate signed by the Admo"r, the salvation-worker, Rabbi David Moshe of Kretshnif for the marriage of Shimon Cohen and Leah Heinreich. 1958. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief ...
LOT 166: Rare Invitation from the Rebbe Rabbi Aharon of Belz for his Nephew's Wedding - the Father of the Admo"r of Machnovka-Belz. "May Hashem help that we merit the joy of our redemption speedily in our days. The youth Aharon of Belz." Printed invitation, signed (in print) by the sacred brothers ...
LOT 167: List of Prominent Gur Chassidim, Handwritten by the Admo"r of Gur Shlit"a. Printed list of names of Chassidim, congregants of Beit Knesset D'Chassidei Gur in Bnei Brak who participated in giving dmei klulot to the Admo"r of Gur, shlit"a. Each name is written, as customary, with the mother's ...
LOT 168: Rare Letter Signed by the Admo"r of Bobov Shlit"a. Letter from the Admo"r of Bobov shlit"a, Rabbi Ben Tziyon Aryeh Leibush Halberstam to the gaon Rabbi Aharon Yeshayah Blau, shlit"a. 1990. Letter sent several years before he ascended to his position as an Admo"r in the glorious Bobov dynasty. ...
LOT 169: Handwritten Invitation from the Admo"r of Skver. "May Hashem send his blessing to all your children, may they be well, in delight and joy, and constant satisfaction and pleasure, and may it be His will that there be an abundance of celebration and salvation among all Jews" Invitation to a ...
LOT 170: Historic Invitation for the Establishment of the Large Study Hall of New Square. New York, 1955. Historic invitation for the cornerstone laying of the large "Bais Medrish of New Square" - in New Square, the first Chassidic town in the United States. 15 Sivan, 1955. Two-sided invitation, in ...
LOT 171: Noam Elimelech. Segulah Book with the Blessing of the Rayya"tz of Lubavitch as a "Guardian for Success". Noam Elimelech - New York, 1942. Important edition of the renowned segulah book. Letter printed at the beginning of the book from the Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch blessing and ...
LOT 172: Wonderful Shanah Tovah Letter from the Rebbe. Days of Selichot, 1964. "Have a good sweet new year, materially and spiritually" Letter loaded with the most wonderful blessings for a good year, signed by the Admo"r Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of Lubavitch. Brooklyn, New York, Yemei ...
LOT 173: Wonderful Shanah Tovah Letter from the Rebbe. Days of Selichot, 1967. "Have a good sweet new year, materially and spiritually" Letter loaded with the most wonderful blessings for a good year, signed by the Admo"r Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of Lubavitch. Brooklyn, New York, Yemei ...
LOT 174: "Boundless Legacy" Letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Blessings for Supernatural Success. Rare letter loaded with rare blessings for success and special miraculous supervision, beyond all natural boundaries. On the words "Heavenly supervision" ["השגחה העליונה"], the Rebbe added the ה" הידיעה in ...
LOT 175: "The Coming of Mashiach" - Important Letter from the Rebbe about Study of Kabbalah in Our Times. Constitutive letter from the Rebbe about studying Kabbalistic wisdom in our times, and about the bursting springs. Includes important blessings. Especially important date, "one hundred and fifty ...
LOT 176: Blessings from the Lubavitcher Rebbe for Child-Raising and for Abundant Livelihood. With Two Segulahs and a Promise. "May [you] raise him together with [your] wife in abundance - and Hashem will grant [you] success" Letter with wonderful blessings upon the birth of a son, from the Admo"r ...
LOT 177: Jeschurun Journal, Frankfurt am Main, 1854-1869. Large collection of issues of the Orthodox journal Jeschurun founded and published by Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch. Frankfurt am Main, 1854-1869. Jeschurun: ein Monatsblatt zur Förderung jüdischen Geistes und jüdischen Lebens, in Haus ...
LOT 178: Munich Sha"s Printed by Survivors after the Holocaust Munich-Heidelberg, 1949. Holocaust survivors: Talmud Bavli: 'The Munich Sha"s' printed by the survivors immediately after the Holocaust, on German soil. Munich-Heidelberg, 1949. Original bindings. Complete set, 19 volumes. Based on the Vilna ...
LOT 179: Josephus Flavius's The Jewish War, in Italian. Venice, 1582. Di Flavio Givseppe della Gverra de Givdei Italian edition of the book The Jewish War . Book by the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius (Yosef ben Matityahu). The book is a historic report of the great rebellion of the Jews against the ...
LOT 180: Pachad Yitzchak. Complete Set. 13 parts. The First Encyclopedia of Torah. Huge Production Printed over Approximately 140 Years. Pachad Yitzchak - Alpha Beta Ravta , including halachahs and aggadahs, mishnah , breita , Sh"as, the Ri"f and adjudicative literature by Rabbi Yitzchak Lampronte of ...
LOT 181: Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums. Six Volumes of this Important Journal. Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums , a journal edited by Ludwig Philipson. Leipzig, 1839-1877. Six thick volumes. Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums (AZJ), literally translates as General Newspaper for all Jewry , was a ...
LOT 182: Collection of [8] Especially Important Bibliographic Works in Excellent Condition. Group of [8] important bibliographic works, among the fundamental books of Hebrew bibliography. Although many decades have passed since they were written, they have not become irrelevant. * Degel HaMadpisim ...
LOT 183: Chamesh Meggilot with an Elucidation by the Maskil Moses Mendelssohn. First Edition. Sefer Chamesh Meggilot with German translation and elucidation by Moses Mendelssohn, Aharon Ben-Wolf [-Wolfson] and Joel Brill. Berlin, brought to print by members of the Shochar Tov V'HaToshiah society, at the ...
LOT 184: Tikkun HaMiddot, Mantua, 1667. Sabbatean Publication. Sefer Tikkun HaMiddot - service and rectification recited after midnight and after midday, with many supplements. Mantua, 1667. Tikkun arranged by Natan HaAzati, primary disciple and 'prophet' of the false messiah Shabbetai Tzvi, may his ...
LOT 185: Deaccen. Post-Incunabula Authored by an (AntiSemitic) Non-Jew. The first book written about cantillation notes and Hebrew accents. Deaccen, De Accentibus Et Orthographia, Linguae Hebraicae [ Deaccen, On the Accents and Orthography of the Hebrew Language ] - the first book on cantillation and ...
LOT 186: Wimpel. Late 19th Century. Colorfully decorated Wimpel, with floral and leaf patterns, and a picture of a holy ark with Torah scrolls and the inscription "... Marim b"r Naftali, known as Marim Stern, born 16 Sivan, 1897." According to custom, during the child's first visit to the synagogue at ...
LOT 187: Discovery: Personal Diary of Leib Falk, Rabbi of the Hebrew Brigades. Bound manuscript of almost 130 pages in clear, dense script, by Rabbi Leib Isaac Falk, military rabbi of the Hebrew Brigades in the British army during the conquest of the Land of Israel from the Turks. Yiddish with some ...
LOT 188: Discovery: Complete Satirical Work by a Soldier in the Jewish Brigade. 1940s. Complete handwritten volume, arranged and prepared for print - satirical work about life in the brigade by Yitzchak Beck - a soldier in the Jewish Brigade of the British Military. Unknown work, never published. The ...
LOT 189: Photo Album from the Ruchamah Religious School for Girls. 1937. Elegant album with [25] pictures of daily life at the Ruchamah school. The album was sent to Mrs. Hinda Ostrovsky, wife of R' Moshe Ostrovsky, daughter of the renowned activist R' Gedaliah Nachman Broder. 1937. The Ruchamah School ...
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